2022 NCCA East-West All-Star Men’s Basketball:Nolan Hodge(Northern Guilford HS)/Dawson McAlhany(Bishop McGuinness) will be with the West Squad

2022 NCCA East-West All-Star Men’s Basketball
**********The 2022 East-West All-Star Men’s and Women’s Basketball Games to be played July 11 at the Greensboro Coliseum.**********

Player 	Player 	        Pos. 	Ht. 	Wt. 	High School	HS Coach	
Christen	Battle	G	5'9	130	Wilson Prep	Anthony	Atkinson
Mikey	Campbell	G	6'4	180	Westover 	George	Stackhouse
Jeremy	Dixon	        F	6'4	210	Kinston	Perry	Tyndall
Jaxon	Ellingsworth	C	6'8	202	West Carteret 	Mark	Mansfield
Trey	Fields	        F	6'6	180	Cleveland	Justin	Batts
Hoku	Fisher	        G	6'4	180	Hoggard	Brett	Queen
Tristin	Harkins	        G	6'2	160	Pine Forest 	Jimmy	Peaden
Charles	Jordan	        F	6'4	195	Millbrook 	Christopher	Davis
Demetri	Patterson	C	6'7	226	Jack Britt	Isaiah	Walker
Jeyvian	Tatum	        G	6'2	185	St. Pauls	Corey	Thompson
Head Coach: Larry Williford					Farmville Central		
Asst. Coach: Chris Davis					Millbrook		
Player 	Player 	        Pos. 	Ht. 	Wt. 	High School	HS Coach	
Dwight	Canady	        G	6'0	175	Hendersonville	Marvin	Featherstone
Zeke	Cannedy	        G	6'1	165	Kings Mountain	Grayson	Pierce
Jordan	Crawford	G	6'2	175	North Mecklenburg Duane	Lewis
Davion	Cunningham	G	6'2 1/2 175	North Mecklenburg Duane	Lewis
Jemez	Herd	        F/C	6’7	195	Olympic	        Jeffrey	Bishop
Nolan	Hodge	        W	6'6"    185	Northern Guilford Kent	Phillips
Dawson	Mcalhany	W	6’5	200	Bishop McGuinness Josh	Thompson
Ketron	Shaw	        G	6’4	175	Mooresville 	Armard	Moore
Finley	Simmons	        G	6'2"	180	Mount Tabor 	Andy	Muse
Isaiah	Williams	G	6'4	193	Porter Ridge	Garrett	Malone
Head Coach: Andrew Muse					Mount Tabor		
Asst. Coach:  Duane Lewis					North Mecklenburg