I do the running every morning, Monday thru Friday, and try to get a good walk in, in the afternoons…On Saturday and Sundays, I try to keep it to all walking, to take some of the stress of pounding and banging off of my feet and knees…
Have begun to realize the whole story is becoming more about my overall body being tired, and not just my knees and feet….No real problems right now, with the knees and feet….But, after the 44 years on the road, doing the running, the body is getting tired…Takes a lot more time to get warmed up and rolling, than it used to…
But, as my old running teacher in college, Dr. David Horton used to say, “You can’t quit, if you quit, you die”…..So on we go, and this morning, I decided to go back to the Long Run, and hit the Friendly Center Run, on The Morning Run….
The Friendly Center Run covers right at 10K, or around 6.5-7 miles…You do this one, you are on the Long Run, and it is all about endurance, and not speed…You find out if you are Tough Enough…Did he say Tuff Enuff???
Makes me think of another tune too…You feel like you have to give some, but some gave all…And to finish one of these long runs, you have to give all…
As I have gotten older, I am finding that I have two distinct gears, the jogging gear, which is sort of slow, and the running gear which is a much faster pace…This morning I was heading down Hobbs Road, going toward the Friendly Center, and a young blonde girl passed me…She was running faster than I was, and she dissed me…The blonde…
She did say “Good Morning” as she passed me by…Did she say, MORNING???
On up that ‘Thrill Hill’, I went….Heading toward the Friendly Center, and as hot as it was out there this morning, it got me to thinking, even with the running as hard as it was getting, it was still not as bad as it would have been, if would have been working at the Friendly Center Car Wash, back in 60’s and 70’s….
All-in-all, it wasn’t a bad run this morning, and it all came down to Winners and Losers…If you finish the run, you are a Winner, and if you don’t finish the run, you feel like a Loser…Getting all of these Morning Runs in, I feel like am Winning, and I don’t intend on losing again….
Some say Everyone’s a Winner, but I am not so sure about that, but it is a very good tune…
Gone on a Country Road, and here is an older version of Bobby Bare, telling us about The Winner…
Time to get a litte spiritual help, and Elvis takes us on a trip, with Lord Help Me Walk Another Mile….
Sometimes it seems like a Miracle when you get home, after passing that last fire hydrant…A real life Miracle, with Aaron and Amanda Crabbe….
We need the Daystar to lead us through that sunshine, and we are back home again, after a 6.5-7 mile run…Jason Crabbe and The Gaither Vocal Band, sing about that Daystar that was leading us home safely…
That will close out The Morning Run for today…Better than any radio show you will listen to today, and better than most of the podcasts that are on the charts on this day…
The Morning Run, it has been fun, but we have to RUN…..See you again next time, right here at GreensboroSports.com, and hopefully in the future, on GreensboroSports Radio….
BTW/FYI, now available at Omega Sports, on Battleground Avenue, Greensboro…