We’re getting ready to play some high school football again, with practices going now, at full steam ahead, and let’s go ahead and hear from some more coaches!!!(Next Up:Tony Aguilar Eastern Guilford High School)…..
Spoke with Eastern Guilford head football coach Tony Aguilar, right after the EG Wildcats were finishing up practice this morning, and got some great info from Coach Aguilar…
We talked about the ‘Cats, and they do have some big ‘Cats down there near Gibsonville this season…We talked on the big ‘Cats, the smaller, but athletic ‘Cats, ‘Cats like Braxton Vega and Solomon Howell on defense, Tyrek Boyd on offense, and Braxton Vega, also ready to help out on offense too…Vega will line up wherever he is needed, and the ‘Cats will run through him, and his will to Win…
Eastern has Eastern Alamance and Southeast Guilford coming up in scrimmages next week, and the EG ‘Cats will open the season, at home, verus the Northern Guilford Nighthawks…Eastern Guilford has some good numbers out for football this year, and the ‘Cats, led by Coach Aguilar, new assistant coach Tim Bagamary, and other key returning assistant coaches, they are working together to build a solid football program, at Eastern Guilford High School…
I arrived toward the end of practice today, but I got there just in time to witness the running of the “County Fair”…They were taking a page out of my old playbook, from back in 1972, and there it was, “The County Fair” lives….They were doing all of the fun stuff(Right ‘Cats???)…It was situps, pushup, up-downs, and who doesn’t like or need about 10-15 good up-downs, on a very warm and humid Thursday morning…
They were doing a drill at the “County Fair”, where the EG players are laying down on the ground, and each player, one-at-a-time, has to run chop-chop-chop running between the other players legs, as they are laying on the ground…You make a mistake, and you might take one of your teammates’ legs off, and you will not be the most-liked person in the next line, at “The County Fair”…
Fair enough to say, they were having a busy, and a good day today, at Eastern Guilford HS…
Check out our interview below with Coach Aguilar…All you have to do, is CLICK ON BELOW, for the video show/interview….
Now is the time to Click On Below…
Seems like solid guy and coach!!