Southeast Guilford High School Athletics for the Week of 2/19-2/24/24

02/19/24 Monday Basketball V Men’s A 6:00 PM Grimsley High School All-Metro Conference Basketball Tournament
02/19/24 Monday Basketball V Women’s H 6:00 PM Page High School All-Metro Conference Basketball Tournament SE Gymnasium

02/20/24 Tuesday Basketball V Women’s A 6:00 PM OPEN All Metro Conference Basketball Semi-Finals @ Northern Guilford
02/20/24 Tuesday Athletes VJ Men&Women’s H 6:30 PM OPEN Spring Parent and Athlete Network meeting
02/20/24 Tuesday Basketball V Men’s A 7:30 PM OPEN All Metro Conference Basketball Semi-Finals @ Northern Guilford

02/22/24 Thursday Baseball V Men’s H 5:30 PM Western Alamance High School S SE Baseball Field
02/22/24 Thursday Lacrosse V Men’s A 6:00 PM Glenn High School S

02/23/24 Friday Basketball V Women’s A 6:00 PM OPEN All Metro Conference Basketball Finals @ Northern Guilford
02/23/24 Friday Basketball V Men’s A 7:30 PM OPEN All Metro Conference Basketball Finals @ Northern Guilford