Had some trouble getting on the Greensboro COLT Baseball website, but decided it was time to get on over to Stoner-White Stadium, at Jaycee Park tonight, to see what was going on…
Southern Guilford vs. Dudley in Game Two of the Thursday night Doubleheader….SG was up on Dudley 4-1, when I pulled out, but it was good to see the COLTS running again across the grounds/field there at Jaycee Park…Sometimes it brings back memories of Bob Doss and his Palomino Baseball program from back in the day, or back when Larry and Patsy Moore, George Warner, and others were heavily involved in the COLT Baseball program…
And Donnie Stowe has kept this program going and growing over the past 20-plus years…Still kids playing baseball in the Summer, and not quite the same as it was, back when they would play the COLT Baseball Summer League games at the Old War Memorial Stadium, yes back in the day, but still good stuff, and real good for these kids to get the games and the reps in….
All of the Guilford County high schools fielded a team, back in the 70’s and parts of the 80’s when they were playing games at the WMS…Now new teams have come in, and that comes with change, and without change, the Greensboro COLT Baseball Summer League would be a thing of the past…
Now you will have games at Stoner White Stadium, Western Guilford High School, Western Alamance HS, and other available fields…I know they sure do miss those Gary Flynn fields from over at Grimsley HS, back when Grimsley still had a baseball field…
Donnie Stowe and his associates(Paula Westlake and others) have kept the program growing and it is almost time for the All-Stars tryouts, and then before you know it, it will be time again for the COLT Baseball East Zone Tournament…Greensboro Green and Greensboro White will play into the night for the chance to head out to Illinois for the COLT Baseball World Series…
Sort of a regular rite of Summer, and it is still going strong, Greensboro COLT Baseball for 2024….