Highlights and Results from Saturday’s Bragain Rights Middle School Basketball Event at Ben L. Smith HS: Christmas Invitational was Big Success(Interview too with Brent Hinson)

Highlights and Results from Saturday’s Bragain Rights Middle School Basketball Event at Ben L. Smith HS
*********Christmas Invitational was a Big Success*********And you can listen back to all the games now when you Click Here, for GreensboroSports Radio…Interviews with all the players, coaches, total game action, and MORE….**********
(Intrerview with Brent Hinson, Bragain Rights leader)….

CLICK BELOW for all videos…

MORE on the way…
Scores from Saturday’s Bragain Rights Middle School Basketball Christmas Invitational:
Southern Guilford boys 31, St. Pius 24
Triad Math and Science Academy girls 16, Penn Griffin 15
Triad Math and Science Academy boys 39, Penn Griffin 21
Reidsville girls 19, Guilford Prep 18
Guilford Prep boys 38, Reidsville 36
CPLA/College Prep and Leadership Acadmey girls 54, Dillard Middle/Yanceyville 4
CPLA/College Prep and Leadership Academy boys 64, Dillard Middle/Yanceyville 21

Yellow and Brown Modern Lacrosse Camp Instagram Post - 1

Some of the Top Scorers from Saturday’s games….
Jacob Bray(Reidsville boys) 22 points…
Jeremiah(CPLA boys) 21 points
Jayden Warren(Guilford Prep boys) 20 points…
Kylie(CPLA girls) 17 points…
Sebastian White(TMSA boys) 12 points
Chaney Wall(Southern Guilford boys) 12 points
Jayleigh(CPLA girls) 9 points…
Anarica Dark(TMSA girls) 8 points…