One of the big ones, Grimsley at Page boys and girls basketball is set to played on Thursday night at the Mac Morris Gym, on the Page High School campus…Games times, with girls at 6 and boys at 7:30pm….This is the makeup game from last Friday…
On Now on Wednesday, we have Western Guilford Middle School at Kernodle for boys and girls basketball…Girls at 4:45/Boys at 6pm…Kernodle Middle School Wrestling will travel to Western Guilford with matches starting @ 5pm…This is a makeup game from Monday…
For Wednesday, it will be Southeast Guilford High School boys and girls at Western Guilford High School…Girls game at 6 and boys at 7:30pm….The games have been moved from Tuesday of this week, to Wednesday.
JV basketball will be Western Guilford at Southeast Guilford …..
Friday night it will Southwest Guilford at Northwest Guilford with the girls game at 6/boys going at 7:30pm…Also it will be Hall of Fame induction night for the Northwest Guilford Athletics HOF Class of 2024. They will also be retiring Elizabeth Kitley’s jersey. These events will take place at halftime of the boys basketball game.
MORE details on MORE games and events coming up….
Southeast Guilford Middle @ Northwest Middle School Basketball:Mon., Jan. 13(Girls Play First) This game has been Rescheduled, for Wednesday Jan. 15…Girls at 4:45/Boys at 6pm
++++++++++If you know of any MORE, send them our way…++++++++++
**********These high school games are set for today, and they may let some teams play….**********
Guilford County has said NO Games Tonight….
(Try to get in touch with somebody at the school before you go, and we will try and update this list as we learn MORE.)
Southwest Guilford at Grimsley
Page at Northern Guilford
Northwest Guilford at Ragsdale…Wednesday
Southeast Guilford at Western Guilford has been moved to Wednesday…See MORE above…
Dudley at Southern Guilford..Wednesday
WS Atkins at High Point Central
Greensboro Day School at High Point Christian Academy
Westchester Country Day at Caldwell Academy
Bishop McGuinness at Triad Math and Science Academy
Piedmont Classical at Cornerstone Charter