Local High School Conference Basketball Standings for our Local Teams

Local High School Conference Basketball Standings
Metro 4-A Boys

                        Conference	Overall
Grimsley                8-2	 	13-6	 
Northern Guilford       8-2		11-7	
Southwest Guilford      8-2		12-6	
Western Guilford        6-4		12-8	
Page                    5-5	 	10-10	 
Northwest Guilford      4-6	 	8-8	 
Southeast Guilford      1-9	 	6-13	 
Ragsdale                0-10	 	1-18

Mid-State 3-A Boys

                       Conference	Overall
Dudley                 9-1	        12-6	
Ben L. Smith           8-2	 	17-3	 
High Point Central     7-3	 	13-6	 
Northeast Guilford     6-3	 	14-4	 
Rockingham County      4-5	 	10-7	 
Southern Guilford      2-8	 	3-15	 
Atkins                 2-8	        3-17	 
Eastern Guilford       1-9	 	3-17

Mid-State 2-A Boys

                      Conference	Overall
Reidsville            9-0	 	18-0	 
West Stokes           6-3	 	9-10	 
Walkertown            5-3	 	10-8	 
Morehead              5-3	 	9-11	 
T.W. Andrews          5-4	 	10-9	 
McMichael             1-8	 	5-15	 
North Forsyth         0-10	 	3-13

Northwest Piedmont 1-A Boys

                    Conference	       Overall
Bishop McGuinness   11-0	 	16-2	 
CPLA                10-1	 	16-3	 
Carver               9-5	 	13-7	 
Leadership Academy   7-4	 	14-5	 
Winston-Salem Prep   7-6	        11-7	 
Piedmont Classical   5-6	 	6-9	 
Cornerstone Charter  5-9	 	11-9	 
TMSA                 3-9	        3-12	 
Bethany Community    1-13	        4-22 
Millennium           0-0	 	0-1

NCISAA Piedmont Triad Conference Boys

                             Conference	      Overall
Forsyth Country Day          7-1	      24-4	 
Caldwell Academy             6-1	      21-8	 
Greensboro Day School        7-2	      25-5	 
High Point Christian Academy 4-6	      14-9	 
Wesleyan Christian Academy   3-5	      16-9	 
Calvary Day School           2-7	      13-11	 
Westchester Country Day      0-7	      6-10

Metro 4-A Girls

                            Conference	      Overall
Northern Guilford           8-2	 	      13-5	 
Grimsley                    7-3	 	      12-5	 
Northwest Guilford          6-4	 	      11-8	 
Southwest Guilford          5-4	 	      11-6	 
Ragsdale                    5-5	 	      12-7	 
Southeast Guilford          4-5	 	      11-7	 
Page                        4-6	 	      8-12	 
Western Guilford            0-10	      6-14

Mid-State 3-A Girls

                          Conference	      Overall
Ben L. Smith              9-1	 	      16-3	 
Dudley                    8-2	 	      11-7	 
Rockingham County         7-2	 	      17-2	 
Eastern Guilford          6-4	 	      8-12	 
Southern Guilford         5-5	              5-14	 
Northeast Guilford        3-6	 	      6-13	 
Atkins                    1-8	 	      3-14	 
High Point Central        0-11	 	      0-19

Mid-State 2-A Girls

                         Conference	     Overall
T.W. Andrews             8-0		     14-1	
West Stokes              7-1	 	     8-10	 
North Forsyth            8-2	 	     11-7	 
McMichael                3-5	 	     3-13	 
Reidsville               2-7	 	     3-13	 
Morehead                 1-6	 	     1-14	 
Walkertown               0-8	 	     0-8

Northwest Piedmont 1-A Girls

                        Conference	    Overall
Bishop McGuinness       9-0		    16-0	
Carver                  10-2	            11-5	
Bethany Community       8-4	 	    13-12	 
Piedmont Classical      4-4	            6-7	
CPLA                    4-5		    7-6	 
Leadership Academy      3-7	 	    5-13	 
Cornerstone Charter     2-10	 	    7-15	 
Winston-Salem Prep      0-8	 	    1-9	 
TMSA                    0-0	 	    0-0	

NCISAA Piedmont Triad Girls

                              Conference	   Overall
Wesleyan Christian Academy    7-0	 	   21-6	 
Greensboro Day School         4-2	 	   17-9	 
Caldwell Academy              2-2	 	   9-3	 
Forsyth Country Day           2-4	 	   9-11	 
High Point Christian Academy  0-7	 	   1-10	 
Calvary Day School            0-0	 	   0-0

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