UNCG Family Science Night at Lindley Elementary
GREENSBORO: PTA-run enrichment activity that brings families into the school to participate in science experiments. Dr. Nicholas Oberlies, chemistry professor and graduate director of UNCG’s Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, has been coordinating this community outreach with his chemistry students since 2011 when his own children were attending Lindley.
UNCG Student Volunteers
Undergraduates and graduate students from UNCG will lead the experiments. They will be easy to spot in white lab coats. T’ea Cameron, a doctoral student and founder of UNCG’s chapter of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE), is organizing the event. The chemistry students are a diverse group, which makes their mentorship even more impactful for the diverse student body at Lindley.
WHO: Parents, students and UNCG faculty/students
WHAT: Family Science Night @ Lindley Elementary
WHEN: Thursday, February 6 at 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Lindley Elementary School (2700 Camden Road, Greensboro)
5:30-5:50 Welcome in the Auditorium with demonstration of the Elephant Toothpaste reaction
5:50-6 Families transition to their assigned classrooms for activities
6-6:45 Experiments – each classroom will have two demonstrations going on simultaneously and every student will have the opportunity to participate in each
6:45-7 Breakdown and clean-up
UNC Greensboro
Located in North Carolina’s third largest city, UNC Greensboro is among the most diverse, learner-centered public research universities in the state, with nearly 18,000 students in eight colleges and schools pursuing more than 150 areas of undergraduate and over 200 areas of graduate study. UNCG continues to be recognized nationally for academic excellence, access, and affordability. UNCG is ranked No. 1 most affordable institution in North Carolina for net cost by the N.Y. Times and No. 1 in North Carolina for social mobility by The Wall Street Journal — helping first-generation and lower-income students find paths to prosperity. Designated an Innovation and Economic Prosperity University by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, UNCG is a community-engaged research institution with a portfolio of more than $67M in research and creative activity. The University’s 1,100 faculty and 1,700 staff help create an annual economic impact for the Piedmont Triad region in excess of $1B.
Courtesy of Brian Clarey