Carolina Cobras

Carolina Cobras (10-5, 2nd in NAL) vs. Jacksonville Sharks (14-1, 1st in NAL) Tonight in Jacksonville, Florida at 7pm:National Arena League Football Championship

Carolina Cobras (10-5, 2nd in NAL) vs. Jacksonville Sharks (14-1, 1st in NAL) Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Saturday 7:00PM EDT

Carolina Cobras (10-5, 2nd in NAL) vs. Jacksonville Sharks (14-1, 1st in NAL) Tonight in Jacksonville, Florida at 7pm:National Arena League Football Championship Read More »

Carolina Cobras do not lose game on Sunday night, but they do lose just about everything they had when the team was robbed during the football game:”Start Spreading the News”, the Cobras lose their shoes and other items up in ole’ New York

Coming in on Monday night from WFMY News 2 and HERE. +++++Game note, the Carolina Cobras were leading the

Carolina Cobras do not lose game on Sunday night, but they do lose just about everything they had when the team was robbed during the football game:”Start Spreading the News”, the Cobras lose their shoes and other items up in ole’ New York Read More »