How the/our Locals were Looking/Cooking this Sunday in the NFL: Panthers have the lead and let it get away with :30 seconds to play, and look to Win in OT, but Fumble the Ball Away(DJ Reader chasing Keenan Allen on Thanksgiving Day/Germaine Pratt and Davis-Gaither with HUGE Tackle days for Bengals)

How the/our Locals were Looking this Sunday in the NFL: Carolina Panthers…One of those losses where you just know the […]

How the/our Locals were Looking/Cooking this Sunday in the NFL: Panthers have the lead and let it get away with :30 seconds to play, and look to Win in OT, but Fumble the Ball Away(DJ Reader chasing Keenan Allen on Thanksgiving Day/Germaine Pratt and Davis-Gaither with HUGE Tackle days for Bengals) Read More ยป