Saturday February 17th. I went along as guest of Coach Tom Palumbo to attend the Guilford College – Emory and Henry basketball game.
The game was designated “A white out” to honor the 6 seniors on the team-fans were encouraged to wear “all white” and they did-face paint and all!! The normal crew that does the web cast for Guilford could not make the trip, so I volunteered to help intern Kevin Cahn with the webcast.
The game was a wild affair with Guilford winning 108-107. E & H took an inccredible 75 3-pointers, hitting on 22 of them. Guilford, by the game plan, took none, instead choosing to run plays and get easy shots. Big Ben Strong led Guilford with 29 points.
As we were leaving the snow started falling heavily – I guess “mother nature” got the message on the “white out!” The win by Guilford made the trip back to Greensboro a good one. Many thanks to coach Palumbo and his fine staff for the invite. I wish I could have claimed “good luck” status for the win by Guilford but they had managed to win 19 previous games without me being in atendance!
Guilford will enter the ODAC tournament as a solid second seed, behind D-III defending national champion Va. Weslyan.
Good Luck, Quakers!!!