Was the Foul Intentional? The Bloodbath in Chapel Hill this past Sunday

From what we are hearing the foul on Tyler Hansbrough by Gearld Henderson was not only Intentional it was Flagrant.  Henderson of Duke hit Hansbrough of North Carolina upside the head late in the North Carolina-Duke game on Sunday afternoon.

Did Henderson follow up on instructions from Coach K or was he acting on his own?  Hansbrough’s nose is broken and he will have to wear a mask to protect his face during the ACC Tournament. Henderson will have to sit out Duke’s opening round game with N.C. State after the ejection from Sunday’s contest.

It was late in the game and the outcome was already decided, why was Henderson going after Hansbrough?  Why was Hansbrough still in the game, his team was up by 14 points?  Was Coach K trying to send a message?

I didn’t see the game because I was on the outdoor court trying to prolong my 27 year career of Sunday pick-up games at the Forest Valley slab over off of Hobbs Road.  I was there with Marshall Brown, Chuck, Jeffery, and the big 6’7 kid from Grimsley.  Kenny O’Fallon, Bart Manning, and Bruce had all stopped by but they left to watch the big game.

Steve wrote in yesterday and he said he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  Steve said it looked like Henderson was going right after Hansbrough with direct intent to injure in his eyes and the shot landed right upside Tyler’s head and broke his nose.  Ogi Overman, formerly of many local sports publications, and now the Editor of the Jamestown News said he thought it was a Hard Foul and that was all.  April checked in here at greensborosports.com last night and said it looked like a punch to the head, almost similar to what you might see in a boxing match.

Was Henderson trying to take Hansbrough’s head off?  I still haven’t seen the tape.  I was watching the return of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin last night.  Let us know what your thoughts are on “The Shot Heard ‘Round the ACC”, or at least around the RTP.  From what I’ve been hearing, Gearld Henderson might be the new Thomas Hearns or Brett Hart and we will be calling him, Gearld “the Hitman” Henderson.  

7 thoughts on “Was the Foul Intentional? The Bloodbath in Chapel Hill this past Sunday”

  1. It works out good for N.C. State and the Wolfpack. Henderson helped us and Hansbrough will help us too if his nose gets clogged up when State and Carolina play for the ACC Championhsip on Sunday. It was a hard foul but what about when Billy Knight nearly killed David Thompson in the NCAA’s in Raleigh back in 1974. State went on to win the National Championship and if that happens to North Carolina and Hansbrough then I will personally slap Gearld Henderson in the face. No harm no foul, the only harm I see is North Carolina got the number one seed. N.C. STATE IS STILL THE TEAM TO BEAT AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. Jay Brame Jr.

  2. Man are you crazy? This tournament is about two teams Duke and North
    Carolina. If you play the game expect to get hit or get out of the way and
    go sit on the bench. Bill Lewis-DUKE BLUE DEVIL FAN

  3. Henderson is the only victim in this deal he will be labeled a dirty player where as he is not that type of player, Hansbro plays that way all the time.

  4. Duke can’t hang with North Carolina and they had to try to take out Hansbrough but he wouldn’t go down. Hansbrough is still playing and Henderson will be sitting on the bench. What good did it do for Coach K to have his henchmen come in and get ejected and then be forced to sit out the next game? Coach K should not get paid for the Carolina game and he doesn’t deserve to get paid for Thursday’s first round tournament game. Freeze his salary because K is hurting Duke by sending his asassins into the game to assault the other team as a way to allow Duke to keep up and try to win. Somebody said Henderson is a good player, he’s not any good, if he was he would already be in the pros and not at Duke. Ogi Overman doesn’t know what he is talking about. Why do you think ESP went under? Because of nutts like him and Duke is going under too. I bet you Duke loses in the first round and it is all becasue of Coach K and his beat the crap out of the other team mentality since Duke has fallen on hard times and Coach K is getting ready to leave again. North Carolina is the best team in the league and they will win the tournament. Coach Smith or Coach Williams would never do anything like what the Killer K did. I hope the officials kick out K next time, it’s all K’s fault. Jim Rome and Packman Mark Packer said Coach K has lost his mind, and he needs to lose his job. I heard them say that on the radio back on Monday after Coach K told Henderson to kill that guy. I also heard it wasn’t just hit Hansbrough, it was hit the first man you see. I heard that on the radio with my own two ears. Thanks for the vine over here at greensborosports.com, nobody else would listen to me. Thanks again, Eric.

  5. I heard Billy Packer say that he thinks this is just a bunch of BS and that the refs should have never looked at the monitor and made a call based on a review. Billy blames the officials and he thinks they stunk up the place over in Chapel Hill. I agree and I know that Billy Packer is a True Blue Duke fan and it is good to have him on our side. Go Billy Packer our new best friend and go Duke Blue Devils as you make your to the ACC Championship game and on to the Final Four.

  6. Marshall Brown

    I know we are in North Carolina, but are we forgeting the fact that 3 of the 4 “tobacco road” teams are seeded 7th or lower in the tourney? Lets not forget the Wahoos or Hokies or any of the other acc teams. I’m willing to bet that the ACC champ will be none of the teams you are talking about…

  7. I agree with MB. Right now I’m taking Virginia. I may change my mind before tomorrow’s tossup but I agree with MB. AD…..  By the way has anyone heard from DC,CC, or BB? 

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