Greensboro Sports Dot Com is one of Greensboro’s many web logs (Blogs). There are over 300 known Greensboro Bloggers and nearly 5,000 college kids that do something very similar on MySpace and Facebook.
Every month, local bloggers get together to share ideas and discuss almost everything from what the kids are doing to the upcoming ConvergeSouth conference to the homeless. It’s a fun group of very interesting and diverse people with one common trait – they BLOG.
On Wednesday, you can come out and meet these people, learn about blogging, their blogs and much more. We’re meeting at M’Coul’s Public House 110 W.McGee St., downtown at 7 PM. Weather permitting, we’ll be upstairs on the patio. All are welcome and the meeting is FREE. (You are responsible for your own food and refreshments.) More details at Blogsboro.