I was over at the Grimsley football practice tonight and the word is former Whirlie coach Todd Shuping is now at Trinity as an assistant coach. The word from those watching the practice is that Coach Shup was at Southwest Guilford for three days and then left for the Trinity Bulldogs.
Former Southern Guilford, Northeast Guilford, Richmond County, and West Brunswick coach Daryl Barnes is the principal at Trinity. Barnes won five 4-A State Championships at Richmond County and he called me often for advice although I never got those phone calls.
Coach Todd Shuping is at Trinity and his son is now back at Grimsley. Young Shuping got clearance after his summer academic work was completed and decided not to go to Southwest Guilford and instead come back to Grimsley. Young Shuping will be on the JV football squad as he was last year and he enters the 10th grade in 2007/2008.
Good news I would think for all involved and it was good to see Wayne Butler and his wife Karen and also Fred Harris at the practice. There’s a scrimmage at Southeast Guilford tomorrow night involving SEG and Statesville. Things get under way at 6:30 and I am still looking job as a coaches’ consultanat if anyone is interested.
Has GS.com heard anymore about the kids at Grimsley trying to get the teachers to change there grades without doing the school work?
I learned that 1+1=’s 11. I attended High Point Central from 1999-2007. (non-graduit) Russ Grimsley
In defense of previous and current coaches, teachers, Athletic Directors and students, GHS went thru a huge flux period last year with 2 new AD’s and a new (interim) principal. Now that administratively they are on the same page, things are looking up. Grimsley is a tough school academically and many students that would be successful at another area school will struggle at Grimsley. One man cannot be blamed for academic problems of every player on the team. It’s like blaming the president for all the problems in the US. It is a group effort that will include the students, parents, coaches, teachers, athletic director and principal.
You can talk junk about the Shupings if you want but they will show all of you in the end. Other than Bob Jamieson, Todd Shuping is probably Grimsley’s most successful football coach ever and his son is a very good player he is just a little rusty and he will contribute.
Grimsley will whip Page and they will kill HP Central, the sky is the limit for your Whirlies again this season. Coach Saunders has his team ready.
coach shup changed grimsley, and i started playing when he first came to coach. He is the one that stressed the most about grades and building charracter. I feel like its my fault as well as the seniors from last year for not stressing to our younger teamates how grades may impact your future. Coach shuping really tried, and i’m getting tired of people going after him, even when they dont know how much effort he put into making sure that we were successful in class FIRST and football SECOND