Friday Football Fever ????

One of the best things around Greensboro is Andy Durham Sports on 950-AM. All the scores and reports available on the radio – the place most people are during and after the games.

I worked in television on and off for nearly 30 years and it amazed me how much effort television stations put into Friday Night Football programs. Only problem is that I remember as a Football Player in Reidsville in the 70’s, it was rare that I was home before Midnight. When playing at home, after showering and getting dressed, we all went out for a meal. When playing on the road, it rarely made it back home before midnight. Parents and other students were on similar schedules.

So I wonder why have Football Highlight Shows at a time, where the folks most involved and interested can’t watch????

The Internet has solved that problem; but only News14 and WFMY have stepped up to the plate, putting their Football Shows on the web. WGHP and WXII have selected highlights on their sites. It’s not too late for WGHP and WXII to do the same.

OR EVEN BETTER…. Do it yourselves. Who needs $50,000 camcorders and million-dollar TV licenses, when the Internet has leveled the playing field. TWO KIDS AND A CAMERA – it’s not just a cute slogan – it’s reality around the world.

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