Dynamo Sold To Coach & GM

The Triad Business News is reporting that Neil Macpherson has sold the Carolina Dynamo to the staff, specifically, Head Coach Joe Brown and General Manager Scott Zapko.

Not details or reasons were given……

Greensboro Soccer would not be where it is today without the millions of dollars that Mr. Macpherson has spent in the area on soccer and soccer programs. He did it himself, with literally no tax-payer incentives, no city-wide votes to Stop Him, no millionaire estates backing him, no over paid attendants and administrators.

Best wishes to the new owners of the Dynamo and a BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Macpherson for all that you have done here.

3 thoughts on “Dynamo Sold To Coach & GM”

  1. Soccer is a wonderful game that has withstood the onslaught of less refined competitive desires in this country. I remember watching people play as a young lad on the shores of Crete. I would like to throw my management ability out to the Dynamo as a token of my desire to see this sport survive in this area.

  2. Is the same George K that used to work at the Circle K on West Market Street. I remember you man. You threw a hot pot of coffee on the guy that tried to rob the store.

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