Just another Manic Monday for Dudley’s Kevin Swinton

this story in today’s News and Record and on-line at www.news-record.com from sports reporter Rob Daniels and not good news at all for a kid we covered for many years while he was at Dudley and all the way back to when Kevin Swinton was a freshman at Southeast Guilford High School. When I saw Kevin for the first time when he was in 9th grade at SEG and he would throw down a dunk I would call it the Swin-ton Bomb.

I still remember it like it was just yesterday and Kevin was on the foul line in Reynolds Coliseum in Raleigh and he was shooting free throws as Dudley was beating Boiling Springs Crest to win the State 3-A Championship back in 2005.

Kevin was suspended for one game at Wake Forest when he was a freshman for a having a paint gun in his dorm room, obviously he has a thing for guns and in this case, that’s not a good thing.

Here’s the report from Rob Daniels and read more at www.news-record.com:

Former Dudley High School basketball standout Kevin Swinton, who transferred from Wake Forest to UNC Wilmington over the summer, has been dismissed from the Seahawks team after his arrest on a felony gun charge, the school announced Monday night.

Swinton, 20, is due in a New Hanover County courtroom Nov. 15 for a first appearance.

According to court records, Swinton is charged with possessing or carrying a concealed gun, rifle, pistol or other firearm of any kind on educational property. The Class I felony is punishable by up to five years in prison and an unspecified fine.

“Kevin is a good student who comes from a supportive family,” UNC Wilmington coach Benny Moss said in a statement released by the university. “Unfortunately, he put himself into a situation that has resulted in him no longer being a part of our basketball team.”

As a transfer, Swinton would have had to sit out the 2007-08 season under NCAA rules. He was to have two years of eligibility remaining after averaging 2.8 points in 9.1 minutes per game as a Demon Deacons sophomore.

UNC Wilmington police records show that a weapons violation was reported at 11:39 p.m. Sunday in or near a campus residence hall.

Swinton, a 6-foot-7 forward, was named a fourth-team All-American by Parade magazine after leading Dudley to an NCHSAA 3-A state championship in 2005.

Swinton was the News & Record’s high school player of the year in his senior season, when he averaged 23.9 points, 12.3 rebounds and 2.0 blocks per game

Swinton’s playing time at Wake Forest decreased from his freshman to sophomore years, and he elected to transfer after the 2006-07 season. He selected UNC Wilmington as his new destination over the summer, but he will apparently never play for the Seahawks.

*****Six o’clock already and I was just in the middle of a dream. I was chasing Valentino down a crystal clear Italian stream. It’s just another Manic Monday, well unfortunately for Kevin Swinton this is not a dream.

5 thoughts on “Just another Manic Monday for Dudley’s Kevin Swinton”

  1. A very dumb thing. Hopefully, Swinton will get another opportunity (A & T ??) and will learn from this.

  2. Yeah, real dumb. I’m a Seahawk. And last years team was horrible. We could have used that talent. Coming from GSO, the frist thing I noticed about Wilmington was the Police presecne. Cops are everywhre down here, they even recently puchaseed a helicopter ( pretty silly for a city with a pop. around 100,000.) In other words, I’ve been pulled over three times down here in four years ( didn’t get a ticket once). DUI checkpoints occur every weekend at multiple locations. As an athelete especially, you have to be careful. BUt hopefully, Swinton will get a second chance. Good Luck.

  3. Keyona Reynolds

    Well Kevin J. Swinton Is My Big Cousin (BLOOD cousin), Iwas very dissapointed in him when I found out.. but I will not allow false alligations to be pent on him yeah he messed up…. Or they thinkl he did…….How do they know it was his? They Don’t just trying to bring a black man down who is trying and that is wrong…………I Love Him REGARDLESS and For Every One Against Him GOD IZ ON HIS SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I hope you don’t think I am one of those that is trying to “bring a black man down”. However, regardless of whether you believe the gun was his (kevinS.), or not , what is he doing hanging around someeone with a gun ( on CAMPUS)? Weapons are not allowed on the campus grounds, PERIOD. That is known to all students, and should also be known by atheletes (white/black/hispanic/asian/ etc…). I am a stong supporter of the second amendment, and own a handgun myself. But, I live off campus and have all the legal permits as well as a concealed carry permit. Good luck to your cousin,, hopefully he will learn from this incident.

  5. It is a shame a 20 yr old black male who is suppose to have so much family support and much so called talent, likes to pick on girls. It is obvious his real talent lies in sneak punches, 3 against one action and for his grande finale’ pulling guns on an unarmed young man and his 18 yr. old female cousin. That is exactly what happened after 12:00am on Sun. Oct. 16, 2009. Kevin J. Swinton pulled a gun out of his car and threatened my daughter (18) as well as her male cousin (24) with a gun. However….in typical Swinton style, he sped off when the police sirens became audible. With so many trips to the court rooms, answering charges of violence as usual, I am wondering when the authorities are going to realize Kevin J. Swinton is somewhat of a threat to a civilized society. I want to know when Kevins’ parents first noticed their son was a sociopath.

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