Oh Lord, please let me hit a shot
So well that even I,
When telling of it afterwards,
Will never need to lie.
Make my passes straight and true,
My lay-in swift and firm.
And help me with a rebound that
makes the opposition squirm.
Protect me from the technical,
Assist me in the key,
Endow me with a blazing speed
For all the world to see.
Above all Lord, this pleasure is
A thing I’d like to share,
So when you grant my wish,
Be sure my friends are there.
William F. Smith (c) 1995
Video of the Prayer being read by Jim Belk at the 14th Annual Tom Ward Basketball Kick-Off Luncheon:
I am the author of “The Basketball Player’s Prayer.” Thank you for running Jim’s reading of my poem.
I would like to send him a signed, framed copy. Would you forward his contact information to me? You can also forward to him my E-mail address; then he & I can communicate.
Thank you.
Bill Smith