I thought that I would give the readers here at Greensboro Sports a heads up on the CompUSA Closing Sale.
WAIT. Right now their prices as marked down are similar to Best Buy and Circuit City, and WAY ABOVE Intrex‘s regular prices. The prices appear to have been marked UP before discounts are applied. One example I found was the Netgear EV8000 High Definition Media Center – Netgear’s suggested retail price – $349.95. CompUSA’s price $399.95 With CompUSA’s 25% Network discount the price is $299.96. It’s currently $249.99 on Amazon.
It pains me to see people spend good money on High Prices. It should be a crime to sell a network cable at Best Buy for $22.49 when you can buy it for $12.99 at Intrex (25 foot Cat 6 Gray Network Patch Cable).
If you go looking for bargains, know what the market prices are before you spend more that you need.