The Message Board Is OPEN….

This forum is designed for the fun and entertainment of sports fans of Greensboro, NC, USA.

Be civil, be kind and behave.

To POST, REPLY and VOTE in Polls, you must be registered. To register, you must sign up with a valid email address. You will be sent an email, which includes a web-link to validate your account. Anybody can read the board without registering.

If you want to sell something, we accept advertising. If you want to promote something, remember, if you are purchasing advertising in newspapers or radio and TV, we are no different. If you are buying space or time, we don’t provide free rides. (If you aren’t sure, sent us an email.)

If we determine that you have violated the spirit of the board, you will be warned once before being banned.

We want to keep this board clean and family friendly.

Don Moore
Greensboro Sports

2 thoughts on “The Message Board Is OPEN….

  1. Make sure that your SPAM Blocker is not blocking the email – it will come from “”. Just to be sure, I registered a TEST account with my Yahoo/Flickr email – I received the email almost immediately.

    If you are still having trouble registering, email me at the address above with your username and I can activate manually.

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