I came across a combination chicken/rooster this morning on my daily run and this bird looked more like a Peregrine Falcon. It was still a bird with a rooster’s head and chicken’s body and as I approached this feathered friend he or she had their wings spread and ready for flight.
This is all happening in nice subdivision down off of Liberty Road and this bird is a smart fryer. Our GREENSBOROSports.com jogger/blogger(me) is running along and I see this bird getting set to cross the road but here comes a vehicle in our direction.
Why didn’t the Chicken cross the road? It didn’t want to get hit by the big yellow school bus.
In closing, I would say this one of the more exotic birds that I have seen and I never knew that in my later years I would become bird-watcher. Former Mayor Carolyn Allen can you feel this, I say sister, “Can You Dig It?” Former Mayor Allen is an avid bird-watcher…..
Hey Andy, maybe this chicken/rooster thing didn’t cross the road because he saw that Ty Lawson was the one driving the school bus.
I do believe Lawson could have been on that bus, but from what I saw, Larry Bird appeared to be driving.
I would watch out because this bird might be a cousin of that duck that chased you a few weeks ago. It just might decide to cross the road, AFTER the school bus passes, and lay a smackdown on you. What’s next, a wild hog and half wolf. I would run an alternate route.
Andy, maybe you ought to sleep it off before you go running…
I think all of these animals chasing you around are getting smarter, you might want to watch your back. I saw a peregine falcon about a year ago in greensboro and looked it up on the internet because I was curious. I found that these things are perhaps the fastest birds in the world! They can hit speeds of 200 mph!!!
I am hoping to line up a deal with UNC public television(TV4/26) and have me on TV runnng across North Carolina with the theme, “One Wild Animal in pursuit of others”.
I am shooting for the the fall schedule in ’08.