State Games of North Carolina is wrapping up in a big way this weekend with swimming at Lindley Park Pool, Baseball at Carolyn Allen (Horsepen Creek Rd.) but the real hit is High School Basketball at the Special Events Center at the (Greensboro) Coliseum.
We have 5 courts over there. We brought in 2 from Charlotte and it’s a great atmosphere. The local teams are doing great so if you have a photographer to send over it would be great. Dudley, Page, Ragsdale, Trinity, Northern Guilford are all going into today’s games undefeated and playing real strong.
************ Courtesy of Bradford Demp – Greensboro Sports Commissiob ****************
8 brackets have now been decided and tomorrows playoffs set.
Four quarterfinal games at 8:00 AM tomorrow.
Seventy First vs Page
Ragsdale vs (either HP Christian, Northern or Hickory (had to leave before 6:30 game to decide)
Riverside vs Lumberton (Lumberton beat Concord 75 – 72 to win bracket)
Dudley vs Millbrook
Winners play in semi-finals at Noon followed by Bronze Medal game between losers at 2 and Gold Medal Game at 4
Ragsdale plays Northern Guilford in quarterfinal matchup at 8 AM
Northern Guilford defeated Broughton in their final game to go 3 – 1 and win the bracket. Hickory and HP Christian were also 3 – 1 but Northern won the bracket on point differential.