I took the short shuttle over to the Wyndham yesterday afternoon to check out round 2 and see who will play on the weekend and who will be heading home. I found my shady spot next to no. 9 green and looked up to see Carl Pettersson,x-Grimsley Whirlie and x-N.C. Stater had posted a tournament record 61 to move to 15 under going into Saturday’s third round. The low scores on the board do not surprise me, having predicted at media day a few weeks ago, that 25-30 under would be needed to win.
Well, next thing coming at me or right in front of me, a teenage girl fell to the ground, out cold and whiter than a Titlelest. Her father was trying to wake her and get her to lay down on her back. Being in the fitness industry for lots of years, as well as the sports industry, I had dealt with numerous “passing outs”-it comes with the territory-the first thing I did was help get her feet up in the air, above her head where the blood could get back to the upper area. When you faint, the blood pressure generally, is very low. By that time a couple of Guilford County’s finest showed up, including Captain David Powell. A Dr. who was on call came and took over, along with the cycling EMT’s. Thank goodness the young lady from Trinity was fine-dehydration and heat exhaustion, most likely.
The event had the feel of a golf tournament-reunion-homecoming. The crowd yesterday was large, polite, smiling and rowdy, when appropriate. I can’t begin to tell you the number of people I saw that I had not seen in 10-20 and 30 years, as well as a lot I had seen earlier in the week. No, this is not your Grandpa’s or Dad’s Sedgefield. I got notice of that Thursday, when I was mowing my yard and saw the MetLife blimp hovering adjacent to my house! No, I don’t live in Sedgefield, but close enough to hear the hum of the blimp’s motors!
*****from Jim Modln, covering The Wyndham for GREENSBOROSports.com*****