Big night for HS football and your thoughts on the upcoming games, plus the AM950 call

The last games of the regular season are tonight and there are some Big Ones left to be played as the coaches and players get set for the playoffs coming up next week.

We will have the Western Guilford at Dudley game on AM950 radio as the Hornets visit Tarpley Stadium and try and take the Triad 3-A title away from the Panthers. We will also have updates on Ragsdale at Asheboro, Smith at Grimsley, Page at Northwest Guilford, Eastern Guilford at Southern Guilford, Randleman at Southeast Guilford and East Forsyth at High Point Central.

Let’s take a look at those games and the full slate of Guilford County action and as always we want your comments about the contests that will be decided this evening. State-wide it’s the battle of the Unbeatens as Charlotte Independence meets Matthews Butler at Memorial Stadium in downtown Charlotte.

Locally the Ragsdale Tigers have yet to lose in 2008 and they make the trip down to Asheboro this evening and we have the (10-0) Tigers taking this one by 10 points, 24-14 over the Blue Comets. Since Ragsdale beat Southwest Guilford in soccer earlier this week, keeper Kasey Refern needs to kick a field goal to make his week complete. Can’t forget that Southeast game when Redfern was away on that Monday helping the Tigers beat Trinity in soccer and he showed up just in time to kick the extra-point and then hit a booming kickoff into the end zone to help the Tigers top the Falcons, 7-6.

Western wants Dudley bad but the Panthers have a chance to wrap up an undefeated regular season at home and you have to give it to Dudley and we’ll say, 32-17. Four Panther TD’s and four Major Bryant two-point conversion runs. We look forward to seeing WG for the first time this season and you can tell after last night’s Football in Focus Show, that the Hornets are going to be bringing a bus load of emotion and energy over to Tarpley Stadium for the Triad 3-A Championship Game tonight.

Page at Northwest Guilford looms large for both teams and their playoff aspirations. The Pirates and Vikings are both in, but this game can go a long way in determining where they will be next week in round one. Too much Will Newman and too many open seams in the NWG defense and Page comes back to Alma Pennix Drive with a win, 31-20 and another big night for Newman and kicker Matt Millisor. Prediction:All of Millisor’s kickoffs reach the end zone and NWG is forced to start on the 20 on all offensive possessions. Joe Barile will have more on this game on the site possibly later today and certainly on Saturday morning.(JB has MM missing the game tonight because of Mono. Get well soon Matt Millisor, you need your strength for the playoffs.)

Eastern at Southern is always a great way to close out the North State 2-A regular season and we see the Wildcats winning this in another very emotional game as this might be the last home game for the Storm in 2008, the season in which they lost their outstanding runningback Scotty Wayne in the automobile accident. To me, EG has too much with Davis, Herbin, and Gann and a local football follower told me this week, he would take Eastern’s backfield over any other in the County. Better than Dudley or Ragsdale. He said give him the EG backfield with Davis and Herbin, plus the Dudley offensive line, and he would beat anybody, anywhere, any time, every time. An interesting evaluation. In tonight’s game of 2-A towering talents, we take EG over SG, 28-20. This is the last time they will meet as 2-A clubs, unless they hook up in the playoffs.

With win-less Smith at Grimsley for the Whirlies’ Homecoming Game, we see Grimsley putting up some solid offensive numbers in what they hope is a carry-over from last week’s East Forsyth game. We’ll take Grimsley, 35-18. Randleman at SEG has Falcon win written all over it. Try Southeast 52-13 in a major effort to finish strong with the playoffs on the horizon as we look toward next week. Big Senior Night and it should be a big night for Robinson, Harrison, Topps, Webb, Pegues, Anderson(if he’s not still injured), and Haynesworth.

East Forsyth at High Point Central and as Coach Ken Helms likes to say, the Danny O’ Road Show is coming to town. DOB, Danny O’Brien took, shook, and re-wrote the book on Grimsley last Friday night in that 38-31 OT thriller in K’ville and this evening, look for DOB to put the “Black Watch Defense” to the test and we see EF over HPC 28-14. The Maryland Terrapins looked like they could have used DOB last night. Southwest Guilford at Glenn and I’ll take that bet and you’re gonna regret cause I’m the best that’s ever been. Not really, but it sounds good, but this won’t sound good to SWG Cowboy fans or maybe even to Glenn fans. Glenn will win 21-10 and Bobcat coach Dickie Cline will take over for Alan Brown as the head coach at Thomasville next year.

Northern Guilford closes out a fine year at (10-1) with a 41-14 win over Carrboro at the Nighthawks home nest out off of Spencer Dixon Road.(News and Record has the game at Carrboro and had it at Northernboro, by NCPrpeps account NG would be playing 7 homes, but we will stick to the same score no matter what the locale.) Northeast Guilford finishes strong with a 35-13 win over Bartlett Yancey up in Caswell County. NEG will be in the playoffs, at least that’s what we are hoping for. High Point Andrews closes out the regular season on the road at WS Parkland and I don’t know how to call this one, but if we have to, we’ll take a loss for the home team(Guilford County rep HPA), but the Red Raiders come out victorious over the Mustangs, 21-20.

4 thoughts on “Big night for HS football and your thoughts on the upcoming games, plus the AM950 call”

  1. I learned yesterday at the JV game that Matt Millisor will be out for tonight’s game with mononucleosis.

  2. The back up kicker Austin Anthony has a pretty solid leg though. He has learned a lot from Matt and will use it tonight.

  3. mono can be tough – hope it’s just one week for Millisor. Sometimes that can wipe a kid out for weeks.

    Ragsdale has a competent replacement for Kasey Redfern with Ryan Wall – he is solid on PATs but doesn’t have those end zone kickoffs like Redfern does. You should see him punt a soccer ball from his goalbox. There can’t be many goalies who kick it farther. He actually got an assist last week against Mooresville. Busy week for him as he heads to Lake Norman Saturday for a round four playoff game.

    Good luck to the Tigers tonight and tomorrow in the soccer playoffs.

  4. Ouch for Millisor and Page but like Joe said Austin Anthony, #17 I believe, has looked strong in practice and in pre-game warmups. I still hate it for Millisor but the Pirates must carry on and NWG needs to use this in some sort of motivational way. #16 is out and let’s come get the Pirates and the new kicker. Everybody has to get pumped up now with all on the line this late in the year.

    Mark is right too. Ryan Wall looked solid until Kasey Redfern arrived at the SEG game and Wall is as JJ Dillion used to say in the days of the Four Horsemen, “a suitable stead”. Athony must become that “suitable stead” for Page tonight.

    I believe Dillion took the word stead as a root word for instead…..Or something to that English degreee.

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