Time to stash the W-S Dash? NJM says team will Crash, There will be NO Big Splash for Dash!

from GREENSBOROSports.com contributor NotJimMelvin:
So many choices, so little time. The Baseball Club could have looked at our bootleggin past, and went with the Winston-Salem Sour Mash. A salute to the medical community – The Forsyth County Rash? A nod to the tobacco industry – The Winston Salem Ash? We could go 70’s with the Winston Salem Grandmaster Flash. None of those choices were acceptable, but the Winston Salem Dash? I don’t get it, perhaps the decision was made because of the need for more cash.

One man’s pleasure is another man’s Trash!!!!!

What do you think, should we BASH the DASH?????

The Winston-Journal will monitor this material……..

1 thought on “Time to stash the W-S Dash? NJM says team will Crash, There will be NO Big Splash for Dash!”

  1. The more i see that name, the more it makes my teeth gnash.

    With Ric Flair in the area, they missed out on a great opportunity. They could have waited until today, and named the team after the Great American Bash.

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