from Stoner-White Stadium at Jaycee Park:
Greensboro Green 11
Allegheny 1
WP:Corey Kimber
GSO Green 11-11-2
Alheganey 1-2-1
*****Pitcher/CF Corey Kimber had two, two-run singles for the Greensboro Green…. Kimber 4 big RBI’s….Jaylin Davis had a two-run home run and a single for the Green……Joisel Colon had a single and a two-run double for the Green and he pitched in relief…Chris Harrelson had a double and made two solid defesive plays at second base for the Green team,,,,Patrick Nusdeo, Caleb McCann and Jonathan Ozak all had singles for the Green team…..*****
The Green team will be tough with three solid pitchers in Corey Kimber, Joisel Colon and Jaylin Davis…..
They announced the George Warner Sportsmanship winner and that award went to Hayden Holleman of Eastern Guilford….
The also introduced the Bill White Scholarship winners and they were:
Chris Armwood-Ragsdale
Trevor Brackett-Page
Daniel Doss-Southern Guilford
Brock Hudgens-Southwest Guilford
Alex Moore-Dudley
Tevin Neal-Dudley
Elliot Slack-Southwest Guilford
Walt Sparks-Ragsdale
Billy Stone-Ragsdale
and Mike Whited-Ragsdale
That was such an amazing catch by the kid at second base for the Greensboro team..Any word from the second game?
Greensboro White 13
Kempsville 11
name spelled Jaylin
Hey, I’m getting better. Only missed it by one letter this time….
Does he play any other sports? We need his name up here for a full year…
Jaylin Davis….And please don’t change it on us…..
Chris Armwood, Ragsdale
Andy you are great. Jaylin Davis also plays Basketball
I am with you Kirk on the Armwood for Armstrong trade…I think we got his limb power confused with his lumber or his bat strength…
In other words, a long way to go and a short time to get there…..We are moving fast and sometimes, too fast….
Thanks guys and keep it coming….We need to try and keep putting these kids on the map….
holleman with the “e” not “i”
Good deal, and from what I hear, Holleman’s dad was a Bill White Scholarship winner back in the day, as was Booby Dawson, who was at the game last night….
They had a large crowd on the field and we are sure dealing with a lot of new names, but that is a good thing, if we can continue to get more people involved here and the message out there about what these kids are accomplishing…