Brooklyn NY 16
Greensboro White 5
Kempsville, Virginia 6
Allegheny, Pennsylvania 3
Greensboro White lost to Youth Service League of Brooklyn NY 16-5 in 7 complete
Kempsville VA beat Allegheny PA 6-3 in the night cap Thursday……
Greensboro Green plays YSL of Brooklyn at 3:00 Friday(Today)
Greensboro White plays Kempsville at 6:00 pm
The loser of the first plays the winner of the second game at 8:00 pm
who’s going to pitch for the green team tonight? need good solid pitching.
Not sure, but join us at three and we’ll all see…A guess might Colon, Stoneman or Davis……You may need two pitchers today and then two more on Saturday….
Hopefully, you’ll just need one today and one tomorrow….
Youth Services will give the Green team all they want—the chanting, etc. will be a little disruptive to some—this group has great baseball traditions going back to Shawun Dunston, Rudy Lugo, etc.
Be ready to play!!!!!
This is way more helpful than anhytnig else I?ve looked at.