He spent a lot of days and nights, doing news stories out on the bridge, over Highway 29 North, near Phillips Avenue and I guess that qualifies for an outdoorsman in the realm of sports and he also did many a weathercast, outside the WFMY TV station, in the cold air as the Atlantic Weatherman, so I guess that is again, the sign of a true outdoorsman…..
Everyone that grew up around here back in the 60’s and 70’s, has memories of Dave Wright, as today we say, “Good night Dave Wright”…..Dave passed away today at age 76….So, I guess we have to say, “Good day Dave”…..
Read all from WFMY TV 2 at their DigTriad.com site when you CLICK HERE……
I think that Dave Wright was also one of the chief hosts of the High IQ Bowl Show on Channel 2 at one time….He and then later John Nesbitt….
Both deceased….
“In the category of scientific elements”….Son you have H2O on the brain/cranium….Good for 15 points and here’s your bonus round……