I was taking in the games out in the Grand Stand last night, in the GreensboroSports.com luxury box, if you will and I saw something that I had never, ever, seen before…..
We are sitting out there during the North Carolina-Wake Forest game and not much at all is really happening….There is baseball going on and North Carolina did have that 5-0 lead, but there is no real extra special excitement in the air….
Then all of the sudden, here comes a baseball flying towards us in the air…..There is something in the air and it is an official ACC Tournament baseball heading right our way, like a meteor coming in from outer space, be it a small white sphere meteor at that….
Well, I was out in the GreensboroSports.com luxury box along with Don Moore(GreensboroSports.com) and with Robert Stutts, the assistant softball coach at Grimsley High School….
Sometimes those baseballs can be like magnets and this was an attration toward Robert Stutts and the ball was being drawn his way and after you hear the crack/clink of the bat, you find the ball and “Here it comes”…..Right at Robert Stutts and now he has his chance to make the ‘big play’ and you hear and then see the ball smack his hand and then you see it fall aimlessly/helplessly back on to the field, in the bullpen area…..
Robert Stutts had his chance and he failed to make the play, but some of the fans that came by afterward, said the play was shown on National TV, during the Raycom Sports Network broadcast of the ACC Tournament, on FOX Sports Television….This turned out to be at least one of the key ‘Plays of the Day’, on the opening day of the 2012 ACC Baseball Tournament at NewBridge Bank Park…..Robert Stutts had a shot, but he came up just a bit short…..
The Carolina players in the bullpen did toss us a complimentary ball back up our way and we gave it to some kids, that were out in the Grand Stand area, with their parents……
That was the first time that I had ever seen anything like that at any baseball game….History was made last night, at NewBridge Bank and there is a chance that we will never see anything quite like that again….I have been going to baseball games for many years and have never, ever, been right on top of a play like that, where the baseball is coming your way and it hits right beside you…..The baseball is white, at least all of the new ones are and last night the little white ball caused a black and blue spot on Robert Stutts hand and this was again, what they call in business, ‘The Play of the Day’…….Wasn’t really a clean play, but the sight and sound of that ball hitting a bare hand, were a sight to behold….
Will this happen again??? The only way to find out for sure, is to head out to the ballpark for the ACC Baseball Tournament and be sure to look for Robert Stutts when N.C. State meets Wake Forest tonight at 7pm…..Robert will be the one in the Grand Stand wearing the bright Red N.C. State shirt and waving his dark black and blue hand…..(Don Moore of GreensboroSports.com will be along side Mr. Stutts in the Grand Stand.)
As our old friend Charlie Harville used to say and he said it well, “We’ll see you at the ballpark”…..(NewBridge Bank Park for the ACC Baseball Tournament)
*****Look for us in the Grand Stand for N.C. State vs. Wake Forest at 7pm….*****