The baseball game for tonight has been postponed….There was a battle between FOX 8, NEWS 2 and WXII to see who would get the rights to cover this game on the 11pm sports and then Mike Solarte from Time Warner Cable 14 on ABC 45 jumped in and they just couldn’t settle the dispute…….
In reality, the field conditions were too poor after last night’s and this morning’s rain and they can not play, when the field is not playable and therefore there will be a Doubleheader set for June 24 and the two clubs will also meet three more times this season, in what has become a ‘Super Summer Series’……
No game tonight, but get ready for that Doubleheader coming up on June 24 and there is a game scheduled for tonight at Dudley, with the Greensboro Orioles taking on the St. Patty’s Day Yankees…Game time set for 7pm….It is possible that Corey Kimber may be there at Dudley tonight, wearing an old Tony Gwynn or Gaylord Perry jersey….