Offers coming in this week for Greensboro Day School basketball players……
Reggie Dillard was offered by UNC Wilmington & UNC Asheville to go along with his other D1 offers…….
Christian Hairston was offered by Davidson & Richmond to go along with his other D1 offers…….
I guess any offer to pay for college is good for any of these kids but I thought these players were better than the programs listed. I thought I read a year ago that Reggie was a potential high D1 player according to Rivals. Also, I would think a 6’8″ guard such as Christian would be a rare player for any school such as a Clemson, South Carolina, or even a Georgia. I wonder if these players are getting the exposure that they need playing with whoever they play basketball for.
I hope all these parents looking to re-class their kids are taking notice. College ball and high school ball are NOT the same and college recruiters are pretty apt at sorting the cream from the crop. So if you’re good enough most high level D1 schools will have observed your game by your sophomore or junior year. Kids, do your four years and move on…….simple!
1 – only 4 kids from Guilford County went on to play Division 1 college basketball last year.
2 – congrats to Reggie & Christian on the offers… It is comical how people post anonymously in a derogatory way about young kids Such a coward move.
I have seen online that Dillard has 7+ offers and Hairston has 12+ offers in the past year.
Also, the schools you named for Hairston are academically inferior to his other offers such as Tulane, Richmond, Davidson, George Washington.
I don’t like re-classing either, but a scholarship to any D1 program is something to be proud of. The ability to play basketball at any college level is something to be proud of. This re-classing phenomenon is due to over zealous parents who think their children are better than what they really are. I will never know why a kid would agree to stay an extra year of high school. I couldn’t wait to get out. In many cases, these parents would rather see their children go to a major D1 where they have no chance of playing. The result is the child transferring or quitting the game entirely. 4 years is plenty for high school and college as well.
Congrats to both of these young men; I have known both of these young men and their families for many years, and I am quite sure that they will do well at the school of thier choice.
As far as the decison to re-class or not re-class, that is a family and individual decision. Some kids have a Sept or early October birthday and would have to start high school at 13 years old, which puts them at a definite athletic and social disadvantage. Quite frankly, some kids might need the extra year to become a better player. Believe it or not, some people do it for academics because we as parents understand that there is life after basketball.
Academically, no one can argue against going to Greensboro Day School, and they play against some good competition. In short, you are getting the best of both worlds.
Congrats again to the Dillard and Hairston families…
I agree with you. None of these kids are reclassing for academics. They are hoping for something larger than what was is on the table.
Congratulations to these two young men. Very few people in the game of basketball become Division 1 players.
Stephan Curry is about the only kid from NC to get an offer from Davidson in the past decade if you take out the coach’s son. They just don’t recruit the state and are very limited who they can recruit due to academics. So it is definitely an impressive offer.
To “Cecil” and others with the same point of view – many of these kids are reclassing for academics and not just basketball. PJ Hairston did not leave Dudley for Hargrave just to get more basketball in but instead to secure some “academic” requirements so he could be egilible on day one. James Summers will also be going to Hargrave to resolve some “academic” issues prior to entering college. Many of the kids that you are seeing reclass were transferring as they entered their So or Jr years in high school. They simply made the decision to stay in a high school scene instead of going the post graduate route. There are very few post graduate programs in this area so you better make your decision early or you will play a year of your sport away from your family. I agree Greensboro Day is a high level school in education but unfortunately they do not play high level basketball teams. That is a place to reclass for academics not for the level of competition that you will face.
Re-classing is overated. If the child has potential to go D-1, it doesnt matter what school he is at he will be seen or heard of. If they are re-classing for a more structured class environment and more school perks that’s great. But re-classing for those false dreams they feed these boys that’s just sad. Going to a private school doesn’t increase your skills on the court but it can give the students that additional one on one help you may need academically. I know a few boys who have re-classed and they are overlooked when other re-classers come abored but you can’t beat a free rich kid education..:0) with loans already before college and debt for the parents.
Congrats to these two young men! All I have to say is enjoy this moment in your life because one day you might be some old man complaining about a kid wanting to play ball in high school a little bit longer! I never played college ball, but if I had a chance to play high school ball one more year before my life of bills, college, and major responsibilities, I would have done it in a heartbeat!
Congratulations on all the success. Definitely great for the area. Enjoy it.
Can I relclass in Elementary school so that I could get an head start?