A good way to ruffle ECU coach Ruffin McNeil’s feathers:West Virginia football coach says East Carolina holding the ‘Big Boys’ back!

from a hot Sunday at WRALSportsFan.com…..

West Virginia head football coach Dana Holgorsen told the West Virginia Daily Mail, quote, “the major conferences breaking away from schools like East Carolina and Marshall, I hope it happens because they’re the ones holding us back from being able to feed our players three times a day or being able to pay them just a small stipend to make their lives a little bit easier so they’re not starving to death at specific times of the year.

“If you’re not one of the big boys, don’t hold the big boys back from being able to make their program better. Why should East Carolina be fighting for the same prize as North Carolina, that’s absurd.”

How ’bout that East Carolina Pirate football fans???

To read all on this one and to check out the comments, CLICK HERE for WRALSportsFan.com….

1 thought on “A good way to ruffle ECU coach Ruffin McNeil’s feathers:West Virginia football coach says East Carolina holding the ‘Big Boys’ back!”

  1. Dana will say he was sorry for the comment within 48 hours. Mark my word. He is/was a friend of Ruffin McNeils when they were both at Texas Tech.

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