Will Grier(QB) from Davidson Day, named Top High School Football Player in North Carolina

The Gatorade Company, in collaboration with USA TODAY High School Sports, today announced Will Grier of Davidson Day School as its 2013-14 Gatorade North Carolina Football Player of the Year.

Read more/read all when you CLICK HERE….(Charlotte Observer)

*****from www.charlotteobserver.com*****

2 thoughts on “Will Grier(QB) from Davidson Day, named Top High School Football Player in North Carolina”

  1. Just curious! Are all the Charlotte fans upset by this guys performance in the State Championship game. Are they calling the head coach a dirt bag for running up the score when they have the game in hand??

  2. The head coach is his dad. That makes it worse. His numbers are over inflated. His father is living through his son. Lets see where his father will be coaching next year. That kid may be good, but not that good. Lets see him against the public schools in the area and see what he does. We are living in a stat-driven society. Because of that, the quality of football will go done to nothing in 5-10 years.
    Anyway, I digress, the people in Charlotte dont care because he lives in Davidson County. They know that he would not be able to beat any of those teams.

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