*****Tough win and very big SAC Fly RBI by Noah Carter to get the Storm on top for the win and the Storm has a man that can go in Round Two, in Taylor Sugg….*****
Southern Guilford – 2
West Rowan – 1
WP: Ryan Hedrick ( 7 IP, 2 Hits, 1 R, 9 K’s)
LP: Omar Bautista
Leaders: Southern Guilford – Ryan Hedrick 1-3, 3B, RS, Evan Edwards 1-2, 2B, RBI, Noah Carter – Bases loaded SAC fly RBI to win
West Rowan – Juan Garcia 1-3, Jeremy Simpson 1-3, 2B, RBI
Come on people. This comment had to have been made from a “spectator” for the Storm. Why would you need to comment about a kid from your own team? Our guys have had a great season and are on their way to round 2 of the state playoffs. These comments get back to the kids and why would you want to hurt the morale of a team that has made it this far. Please grow up!!!
“Spectator” I’m not sure if I am more mad at you or embarrassed for you. It takes a big man to try and knock down a high school baseball player. I don’t know the kid but I do know he did his job during the at bat when his team needed him to. Obviously this is personal for you and you care more about a teenage kid failing than you do the team winning. I hate Noah wasn’t able to make you happy last night by failing when his team needed him the most. Good news though they have to play again so make sure you get out there for the second round and cheer him on to fail. Truly sad the way some people are these days to high school athletes who want nothing more than to work and see their team win.
@spectator….haha!!! Yeah he did have two K’s. But he got it in play when it was big and needed. You are either an immature adult…or a or a kid. Either way…keep on hating. Its typical on this site. If you are a parent/adult…you are exactly the type of person with the selfish mentality that I have made comments on this website about lately. If you are a teammate or kid…well, my guess is that this is learned behavior from a bitter parent. Either way…you are irrelevant.
At lest your screen name wasn’t something like “Stormfan” or “SGfan”…etc. Because you obviously are not either of these.
The kid did his part and helped win the game…Obviously some major jealously or flat out stupidity on the part of anyone knocking the team that just won a very big game and made it on to Round Two…
Storm have survived and advanced and let’s hope we see more of that…
Comment about the kid now back in the shed….
@here we go
My screen name is SGFan and I have been to the majority of the SG games this year–both home and away. i have watched this team progress for the past two years and have been impressed by what has transpired. The coaching staff at SG has done an excellent job and the kids play well together. As stated previously, the comments were probably made by a jealous parent/player. It is unfortunate that kids(SG)can’t enjoy a great moment because of idiots who are jealous. I saw a lot of strikeouts last night for both teams in a game that only had a few hits total. I also saw kids make great plays and a great AB to end the game. I am an SG fan and truly upset that a community that was out in force last night to support the team has such a loser in the audience.
@SGFan… Agreed. And my reference of screen names… Was simply used as “example of poster screen names” claiming to be “fans” but only trashing the coaching staff and players with their comments. It wasn’t in reference of “you”.
The Ragsdale “fans” on this site are a very good example of poor screen name usage. That was my point.
@here we go
I understand completely –no offense intended toward you at all. Just frustrating in a game that had two really good pitchers that only allowed 4 or 5 hits combined for both teams, someone would try to ruin a great win for SG. It is the society in which we live and it is very unfortunate. I am a true SG fan and I also pull hard for all of our area teams during this time of the year.
@Andy – I have only missed two SG games this year and I assure you this kid and several others have done their parts all season long — thus a good year at SG. Thanks for being a voice of reason.