Local writer Bruce Mitchell(Pro Wrestling Torch) makes it to “The Ross Report”

Bruce Mitchell, who has for many years entertained and informed countless readers with his work at the Pro Wrestling Torch newsletter and at the PW Torch web site/www.pwtorch.com, made the move higher up the ladder of journalistic success on Tuesday night when he was invited to be a guest on The Ross Report, with Jim Ross…Jim Ross is the man that many feel is the greatest/most knowledgeable announcer in pro wrestling history and Bruce Mitchell, from Greensboro, North Carolina and the Front Row Section at the Greensboro Coliseum, was the guest on the Jim Ross podcast last night and you can hear it all(the Ross-Mitchell interview) and hear it now, when you go The Ross Report on PodCast One and you can do that when you


*****Check it out, I have listened and it does sound good and it is good to see one of our local talents, like Bruce Mitchell, make it on to the national/international scene/stage….He was on radio here in Greensboro for several years before he made it big and we are all very proud of Bruce and his rise toward the top of the turnbuckle….He was wearing the Belks and now he is chasing the Belts….Knew him back in the days of WKEW
AM 1400 radio and still glad to know him today and to know he is moving on up…..*****

2 thoughts on “Local writer Bruce Mitchell(Pro Wrestling Torch) makes it to “The Ross Report””

  1. That’s awesome!!!!!Congrats Bruce, or should I say Mr. Mitchell as my family knows him. Mr. Mitchell is also an excellent teacher at Archer Elementary School. He was my sons 3rd grade teacher and one of the reasons for his classroom success to this day. His only blemish is his support for the dark blue college basketball team from Durham.

  2. Thanks Mr.Haynes for the kind words (and the laugh!) You made my day..

    Also, just to want to point out it was Andy Durham who gave me my first shot at broadcasting, and I never had more fun at it than when I was bouncing stuff off him and the late, great Jimmy Fulmer at the old WKEW studios on Lawndale.

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