“Shrine Bowl Board of Governors elects Raleigh, North Carolina’s Connie Altman as its new Chairman of the Board”
Chairman Altman announced today the following officers were elected to board:
President ? John T. McClary, Jr. – Past Potentate – Omar Shrine – Charleston, SC
1st Vice President – Lindley Ivey – Amran Shrine – Raleigh, NC
2nd Vice President – Rod Brown – Hejaz Shrine – Mauldin, SC
3rd Vice President – Todd Ham, PP – Oasis Shrine – Charlotte, NC
4th Vice President – Randall Monge – Jamil Shrine – Columbia, SC
5th Vice President Buddy Brown – Sudan
Secretary – Jeff Taylor – Sudan Shrine – New Bern, NC
Treasurer – Henry Long – Oasis Shrine – Charlotte, NC
General Game Chairman – Jamie Smith – Hejaz Shrine – Mauldin, SC
Athletic Director – Ron Long – Oasis Shrine – Charlotte, NC
Chaplain – Ray Fields – Amran Shrine – Raleigh, NC
About the Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas:
The Shrine Bowl began in 1937 based on the model of the East?West Shrine Game
that was played in San Francisco, but the game took on a new slant in the Carolinas.
Instead of being a college all?star game, it would become the nation’s first high
school football all?star game. The inaugural game in 1937, under the leadership of
former Charlotte Fire Chief Hendrix Palmer attracted 5,500 spectators, many of
whom paid one dollar to attend and raised $2,500 for the hospital. Since the first
game, over $77 million dollars have been raised for Shriners Hospitals. Visit
www.shrine?bowl.com for more information.
About the Game:
This year’s game will take place on December 17, 2016 at Gibbs Stadium on the
campus of Wofford College. The rivalry between the top senior high school football
players of North Carolina versus the best in class from South Carolina will renew for
the 80th time – the longest standing all?star game in America. General admission
Tickets will be available at all Academy Sports and Outdoors in North and South
Carolina and from the Shrine Bowl Office. Stop in your local Academy Sports and
Outdoorslocation, or call for your Shrine Bowl tickets at 1?800?648?2695, ?or go online at www.shrine?bowl.com?.
About the Shriners Hospital for Children:
The hospital network has been treating orthopedic conditions since the founding of
the first hospital in 1922. With a large full?time staff of pediatric orthopedic
surgeons in the United States, as well as a comprehensive team of physical,
occupational, speech and other therapists, the Shriners Hospital for Children are
able to provide customized care to each child.
Visit www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org for more information.