Video from 7 on 7 High School Football Scrimmages today at Ragsdale High School in Jamestown

Click Below as Ragsdale High School Football Coach Tommy Norwood sets the scene for the 7 on 7 football action going today/this afternoon in Jamestown…

Start checking out all of the 7 on 7 football action when you Click On Below….Eastern Guilford, Ben L. Smith, Reidsville and Ragsdale all on hand for today’s action…Again, Click On Below to go to the video..

2 thoughts on “Video from 7 on 7 High School Football Scrimmages today at Ragsdale High School in Jamestown”

  1. Ragsdale will be there, Northeast Guilford will be there, I look for Grimsley to be there, Northwest Guilford has been there in the past and so has Northern Guilford, Southern Guilford and East Forsyth…

    Last year Western Alamance defeated Northern Guilford in the final…

    East Forsyth has always done well here at Guilford…

    I would love to see Southwest Guilford there and see what Jared Rainey can in this setting…

    Burlington Williams has been there in the past…

    I will try and get a full schedule from Coach R. at Guilford on Thursday….

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