Nick Baker(Page High School) putting the word out on Twitter around 11 hours ago/on Saturday morning:
I am 110% committed and signed to Davidson College….
From Baker a Huge Thank-you to all of the schools and coaches that have showed an interest in him and to his family, friends and high school coaches, another HUGE Thank-you…
Baker says, “Have Faith and trust in God, because you never know when you will get that Big Break”….
If my mental sources serve me correctly, Baker is an outstanding student, along with being the Page High School Student Body President….Baker, a solid wide receiver, that should be able to help the Davidson Wildcat football team….
CLICK HERE and might just be blown away by the number of congratulatory remarks and comments this young man is getting on Twitter….
We’ll say it here, Congrats to Nick Baker from Page High School, headed to Davidson College….
We are posting a lot of Page players on here, but there a lot of them are committing, and they are all over the resource at Twitter…..
Thanks to everyone for their support of Nick in his past, present, and future endeavors! He is abundantly blessed with a strong foundation and SUPER supportive village!!! ~ Nick’s mom