2019 NCCA East-West All-Star Football Rosters Announced

The NCCA is pleased to announce the rosters for the 2019 East-West All-Star Football Game to be played July 17 at Grimsley’s Jamieson Stadium. The game will
feature some of the best recently graduated football players from around the state.

2019 NCCA East-West All-Star Football


#	Pos.	Player 		Ht. 	Wt. 	High School	High School Coach		
58	DL	Brady	Alls	6’3”	280	Heritage	Wallace	Clark	
77	OL	Payton	Baum	6'2"	245	Holly Springs 	Robert	Furth	
12	RB	Xzavior	Bowden	6'1	230	Goldsboro 	Tim	Ray	
28	DB	Dante Bowlding  5'10	180	Terry Sanford	Bruce	McClelland	
7	DB	Zakeem	Brooks	5'7	150	John A. Holmes	Paul	Hoggard	
22	RB	Keon	Caudle	5’11	185	Tarboro 	Jeff	Craddock	
42	LB	Milton Chandler 6'1	200	Jacksonville 	Beau	Williams	
15	DB	KentreazCoston	6'0	170	John A. Holmes 	Paul	Hoggard	
54	OL	Kobe	Crump	6’1	240	Lee County 	Steve	Burdeau	
57	LB	Jaivah	Cruse	6'1	220	Clinton 	Cory	Johnson	
10	QB	Kyler	Davis	6'1	208	Seventy-First 	Duran	McLaurin	
90	DE	Isaiah	Dickens	6'0	270	Wake Forest	Reggie	Lucas	
50	OL	Isaiah	Dunn	6'3"	290	Knightdale 	Anthony	Timmons	
5	DE	Phillip	Foster	6'0	225	Northern Durham John	Hammet	
18	LB	Devon	Grant	6'0	195	Wake Forest	Reggie	Lucas	
6	WR	Steve	Green	5'8	170	Franklinton	Jimmy	Williams	
9	LBColinGuentensberger	6'0"	195	Orange 	        Van	Smith	
4	K/P	Declan	Hall	6'3"	160	South Brunswick	Robert "Rocky"	Lewis	
72	OL	Tayvian	Hall	6'2	265	East Duplin	Jack	Holley	
14	WR	Aaron	Harris	5'11	185	Northeastern 	Antonio	Moore	
21	RB	Kendall	Harris	5’9”	200	Franklinton 	Jimmie	Williams	
23	S	Luca	Hurst	6"1"	185	Holly Springs 	Robert	Furth	
92	DL	Antonio	Isaac	6'5	260	Richmond Senior	Bryan	Till	
53	OL	Connor	Keele	6'3	260	Clayton 	Hunter	Jenks	
32	WR/HB	Uriah	Lawrence6'1"	200	Washington	Jon	Blank	
11	WR	Matthew	Leavelle6'3"	205	Matthew	        Asim	McGill	
35	LB	Scott	Looney	6' 0"	195	Hoggard	        Craig	Underwoord	
56	OL	Steven	McKinney6’2	315	Lee County 	Steve	Burdeau	
3	WR	CJ	Pipkin	6’3	185	John T. Hoggard 	Craig	Underwood	
33	DE	Dylan	Reeves	6'5"	240	Leesville Road	Chad	Smothers	
17	S	Tyshoun	Thomas	5'9"	170	Scotland 	Richard	Bailey	
65	OL	Melik	Ward	6'0'	260	Tarboro 	Jeff	Craddock	
2	QB	DavontaeWiggins	6'3	215	Northern Nash	Andrew	Farriss	
8	LB	Josh	Williams6’0	185	Havelock	Anthony	Wray	
40	TE/DL	Lamont	Williams5'11 1/2297	Southern Nash	Brian	Foster	
16	WR	Jason	Wilson	5'8	170	Havelock 	Anthony	Wray

Head Coach: Sport Sawyer Manteo HS
Asst. Coaches: Andy Downing Edenton-Holmes HS
Duran McLaurin Seventy First HS
Kenneth Neal Southern Lee HS
Van Smith Orange HS
Craig Underwood Hoggard HS


#	Pos. 	Player		Ht. 	Wt. 	High School	High School Coach		
62	OL	Josh	Baker	6'2"	275	Hibriten 	Clay	Lewis	
50	OL	Zion Barringer  6'1	265	Crest 	        Nicholas	Eddins	
35	LB Aristotle Bowles	5'10	210	Olympic	        Jason 	Fowler	
90	DL	Jeremiah Brown	5'9	300	Kings Mountain	Greg	Lloyd	
8	DB	KeAndre	Buyna	6'	200	Reagan 	        Josh	McGee	
64	OL	Adam Callahan   6'7"	270	Southwestern Randolph 	Seth	Baxter	
45	DL	Joe	Camara	6'2	262	Northwest Cabarrus 	Brandon	Gentry	
10	DB	Kolby Cuthrell  5’8	155	Southwest Guilford 	Chuck	Doak	
4	RB	Fabian	Duncan	5'9"	202	North Mecklenburg	Eric	Morman	
75 DLMiguelangelEsparza-Calleja	6'0	280	Jay M. Robinson	Rich	Williams	
18	P	Ethan	Evans	6'3	215	North Surry	Danny	Lyons	
3	WR	Cruyff Fleurine 5'9	160	Cherryville 	Tim	Pruitt	
21	DB	Cameron	Gill	6'0	165	Salisbury 	Brian	Hinson	
5	LB	Alex	Gowda	6'2	230	Eastern Guilford 	Joseph	Glass	
12	DB	Jackson	Greene	5'11"	180	Watauga 	Ryan	Habich	
24	WR	Isiah	Hall	5'11	177	Sun Valley 	Tad	Baucom	
57	OLBraxton Henderson     5'10	287	Eastern Guilford 	Joe	Glass	
42	LBLandon Honeycutt      6'2"	230	Mount Pleasant	Michael	Johns	
20	LB	Maddox	Johnson	5'11	225	North Davidson	Brian	Flynn	
23	RB	Marqwone Jones	6'2	221	Hibriten 	Clay	Lewis	
55	DL	Devante	Lambert	6'3"	260	Ragsdale 	Johnny	Boykin	
54	OL	Brandon	Lewis	6'0	270	North Mecklenburg 	Eric	Morman	
81	DL	Will	Martin	6'2	225	Western Alamance	Jeff	Snuffer	
6	LB	Keith	Mosely	6'1"	225	Asheville 	David	Burdette	
2	WR	Breylan	Owens	6'2"	180	Brevard 	Craig	Pritchett	
14	WR	Josh Robinson	5'10	165	Eastern Alamance 	John	Kirby	
66	OL	Jalen	Shelf	6'3	310	East Forsyth 	Todd	Willert	
7	QB	Trey Shepherd	6'3"	190	Monroe 	        Johnny	Sowell	
44	LB	Hakim	Simmons	6'	230	Central Cabarrus 	Kenneth	McClamrock	
40	RB   JahTwan Stafford   5'8"	180	Monroe 	        Johnny	Sowell	
99	DL/TE	Blake Stephens  6'4	258	North Davidson	Brian	Flynn	
17	WR	Simeon Thompson	5'10"	155	Erwin 	        Rodney	Pruett	
11	QB	Kaylon	Wade	6'0	170	Kings Mountain 	Greg	Lloyd	
65	OL Devonte Washignton   6'5"	295	Reagan 	        Josh	McGee	
9	DB Kenneth Washington	5´11	180	Shelby 	        Lance	Ware	
22	DB	Larry Williams	5’10	180	Southern Alamance 	Fritz	Hessentaler

Head Coach: Johnny Sowell Monroe HS
Asst. Coaches: Johnny Boykin Ragsdale HS
Joe Glass Eastern Guilford HS
Luke Hyatt Piedmont HS
Mike Wilbanks Shelby HS
Scott Wood Elkin HS

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