Talking about the 2019 High School Football Season Today, with Southeast Guilford Falcons head football coach, Kennedy Tinsley

We made it down to the “Bottom” today at Southeast Guilford High School, and we were right there in the middle of the SEG Falcons first practice of the new season….The “Bottom” is the lower field at SEG, and that is where the SEG Falcons were working today…Coach Kennedy Tinsley hit on our 7 on 7 question session once practice was complete and he also did our Two-Minute Warning and that will be up here soon in the form of video…We saw the “Falcon Family” working hard today and they are working to develop the best possible “Falcons Finish”…Coach Tinsley, assistant coach Kyle Faust, assistant coach Damon Coiro, assistant coach Adam Clay, trainer Mark White, they were all there today, at SEG, and there was no rain….There was some thunder and lightning and at the end of practice, they had to hustle the players off of the field in a hurry, but Joe Sirera from the News and Record hung tough, and got his interview work done with Coach Tinsley, and two of the SEG Falcon players…Plenty of SEG coaches and players working hard today, at Southeast Guilford High School…Southeast Guilford will start their way off, down there in “The Bottom”, and work their way back up to the game field….

Check out our Q and A session with Coach Tinsley, as he goes into 7-on-7 mode with us and answers these key questions about high school football practice and the upcoming season…More coaches on the way, so stay tuned, but tonight here we go with Southeast Guilford HS head football coach, Kennedy Tinsley……

Here is our talk today with Coach Kennedy Tinsley, the head football coach at Southeast Guilford High School…..

A Seven-on-Seven Series of questions for Coach Tinsley….

1)For your program to reach the playoffs, what will your record need to be this season?
Coach Tinsley: More important than the record, which last year turned out to be (14-2), we want to be on top of where our team is going, come playoff time. Not the location of our games as where we are going, where we are as a team…We need to be a team that can FINISH…Finish all reps, Finish all of our classes, Finish our work outside the classroom…FINISH.

2)Who will be your team leaders on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams?
Coach Tinsley: On Offense is OL Montrell Walker and our quarterback Zion Fleming…On Defense we look to ILB Mack Tobin and OLB Justin Fleming….Key Special Teams kick returner is Jalen Fairley and the rest of the kicking game is right now a work-in-progress and is coming along fine.

3)What do remember about about your football practice days, back when you were playing high school football?
Coach Tinsley: The practices I was a part of at Dudley High School, were BIG on Discipline…Our coach Steven Daivs was very tough and the Discipline we learned back then is still a BIG part of what we try and do here at Southeast Guilford today, but for our program back at Dudley, it was all about Discipline……”Dudley Discipline”…

4)Why do you love coaching football?
Coach Tinsley: The game entails building Team Brotherhood….You impact young men and show them you care about how they perform on the Field for the Falcons, how they perform and carry out their assignments in the Falcon Classroom and how they perform and behave, when they go out into the Falcon Community….These young men are representing Southeast Guilford, their families and themselves, and we need to teach them the core values that will make all that they are doing for positive improvement, stand up and be counted, when their work here is done…We want to teach them the right way to represent and when they do that, we will be pleased…We are building young men and when we are successful in that conquest, we have done a good thing and we are proud of our results and that again, is building, “The Complete Football Player”…..

5)If you weren’t coaching football, what would you be doing?
Coach Tinsley: I would hope to be an Athletic Director, or working in a church…I would be working in some phase of a church ministry….

6)Best team in the county other than your Southeast Guilford Falcons?
Coach Tinsley: Dudley would be at the top and not too far behind right now would be, Grimsley….I am sold on Grimsley, and we will be facing the Whirlies this season…

7)What’s the first thing you do in practice each day?
Coach Tinsley: We begin practice by trying to build and instill enthusiasm….We want these kids/young men to be showing energy and enthusiasm…If they are having Fun, then they won’t mind doing what we ask of them in practice, so we have to set the tone early in practice and be sure they are pumped up and ready to go at it hard….We want to make sure that they can push it….Any assortment of our drills that get out kids going, those are the ones that work, and they get us working right each day….

Coach Tinsley video interview, is on the way…..
Coach Kennedy Tinsley talking with us in our Two-Minute Warning…He gives us what it will take for Southeast Guilford to be successful in 2019 and his warning for the opposition, his warning for his own players and it will take for his SEG team to become, a “Falcons Team That Can Finish”….We extended the Two-Minute Warning, since Coach Tinsley was on a roll, and with this being the “First Day” of practice for the new season, let the “Coach Go Long”….

I think you will like/enjoy the interview, Click On below for the Video Show, with SEG Coach Kennedy Tinsley….

4 thoughts on “Talking about the 2019 High School Football Season Today, with Southeast Guilford Falcons head football coach, Kennedy Tinsley”

  1. Conference is top heavy this year. Lot of bad teams Ain Guilford county this year. But a few good ones. Whjtlies will be big surprise

  2. Southeast Guilford and Eastern Guilford should be right there in the mix of things in the Mid-Piedmont 3-A Conference…

    SEG has talent returning and most of the Falcons are now playoff-tested with a deep playoff run last year….

    EG has a QB in Kamell Smith who can play with anybody around here…He is right up with Paige, Zellous and Williams; from Page, Grimsley and Smith….Only difference is, the others have one more year of experience than what Kamell Smith has…

    Kamell Smith will become one of the top QB’s in the state if his star keeps rising and he keeps on working…He is tall and sees the whole field, all the way down to the opposing team’s end zone and that is a plus…Just like a Cam Newton, Kamell Smith has to learn when to run, and not when to run….

    Education first on the football field, these early days in August….

  3. Itextlikeamoron

    What about North Davidson this year ? Word on the street they hired a buffoon as OC

  4. Hope it is not one of our former area coaches…Hate to see our guys LEAVE out for tougher or unmanageable pastures…

    North Davidson is always a major player…..

    Here is a piece we did back in Mid-June, that might be even more interesting to our readers today, with the new football season now under way….

    Guilford County QB’s for 2019:

    Javondre Paige-Page HS…1,608 passing and 18 TD’s in 2018…

    Chris Zellous-Grimsley HS…Zellous right at 15 yards per pass last season and 6 yards per rush….Moves the ball up-the-field…

    Jordan Williams-Smith HS…..Williams with 1,556 total yards last year and he averaged 142.4 yards per game…

    All three of the above with lots of experience and they have taken tons of reps at QB for their listed teams….Should look to be breakout years, of sort, for all three of these young men…

    Keith McDuffie Jr.-High Point Central….McDuffie Jr. will be a junior for HP Central this year, and he put up some very impressive stats/numbers as a sophomore, passing for over a 1,000 yards and rushing for over a 1,000 yards…2,187 total yards for McDuffie last season for the HP Central Bison…That sure gives you a good base to work with…

    Kamell Smith-Eastern Guilford HS…Smith(6’4) will be a junior this season, but for the ceiling is very high for him(6’4), showed great maturity as he developed into the top QB role, at EG last season, and he should be on his way to good things this year…

    Jahmier Slade-Dudley HS…Just a sophomore, but with a very strong arm, and that should help with go-get-it type receivers on the outside for Dudley, in Michael Wyman(6’4) and another sophomore for Dudley, speedster, Mehki Wall…

    Alston Hooker-Ragsdale HS…Was at Dudley for three years, and now a Ragsdale Tiger, for coach Johnny Boykin, and over the years I have heard more than one coach say it only takes one year to show what you can really do, and hopefully, this is that year for Alston Hooker, a senior that wants a chance to show what he can do….

    Zion Fleming-Southeast Guilford HS…Heir-apparent to last year’s QB that led the Falcons to the 3-AA State Championship game, Ryan Douglas, Fleming is a junior that stands 6’0 and weighs 225 and he should have no problem taking care of himself back there in the pocket….Fleming did throw for a TD last season, and he can also tuck it and run, and becomes a very physical runner…

    Myles Crisp-Southern Guilford HS…This kid started last year as a sophomore and had a very good overall year…Another pretty big kid at 6’1/about 190 and can run just about as good as he can pass, and he really does both well, very promising and still young QB…

    Justin Wilson-Northeast Guilford HS…Wilson threw for nearly a 1,000 yards last year and he also proved to be a good runner for the NEG Rams…Kid has experience and he attempted close to 150 passes last year and that’s a pretty busy season for an NEG Ram offense….

    Jaden Rogers-Southwest Guilford HS…It looks to be Jaden Rogers time at SWG, under new head coach Chuck Doak, and not sure of the current status of QB Devin Flowers, but we will try and find out if he is still slinging the football out on “The Ranch”….

    Robbie Boyd-Western Guilford HS…Boyd stood in there and took some big hits for the Hornets last season and he will be called upon to the same thing this year for WG, but he hopes most of the big hits will come when he is already rolling 10-20 yards up the field, and that the hits are not coming when he is standing behind the line of scrimmage…Very competitive kid and he wants to make his team a winner…Also can play LB and does the kicking for WG….As a senior, Boyd wants to put this team on his back and carry it, this season….

    Will Lenard-Northern Guilford HS…Gone are the two regular starters from the past 2-3 seasons, and that would be Tyler Flippen and Jakob Lenard, but now Jakob’s younger brother Will takes over, and he will have plenty of receivers to throw to, including 6’5 WR, Michael Frogge(Wake Forest)….

    Micah Salmon and Walter Kuhlenkamp-Northwest Guilford HS…With Johnny Pagano now graduated and having departed from NWG, if the Vikings go with the kids that were working as Pagano’s understudies last season, we should see either Salmon(junior) or Kuhlenkamp(senior) taking the snaps and standing back there in the gun, calling the signals for the Vikings, this season….

    Jenoah McKiver-High Point Andrews HS…Experience returns for the Red Raiders with McKiver back at QB, with Jenoah throwing for over 1,000 yards last season and the kid can run too…Will be a senior in 2019….

    Luke Homol-High Point Christian Academy…Started out his sophomore year in 2018 as the backup to John Saunders Jr., and then the HPCA Cougars moved Saunders Jr. to wideout, where he exploded and in the end, Homol threw for 700 yards and 7 TD’s last season and he should be ready to pick up where he left off, in 2019….

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