Guilford County Schools/GCS Postpones Athletics and Marching Band Restart:July 6 is a “No Go” and now new date for Restart is Monday July 20

from the Guilford County Schools website:

GCS Postponing Athletic and Marching Band Restart
In alignment with the governor’s recent decision as part of Executive Order No. 147 to extend Phase 2 of North Carolina’s reopening plan, Staying Ahead of the Curve, through July 17 Guilford County Schools (GCS) is postponing the restart of athletic conditioning and marching band practices.

Instead of beginning on Monday, July 6, GCS will restart activities on Monday, July 20, pending further public health guidance or executive orders. The district remains strongly committed to our athletics, marching band and other student activities and will restart these programs as soon as public health indicates it is safe to do so.

4 thoughts on “Guilford County Schools/GCS Postpones Athletics and Marching Band Restart:July 6 is a “No Go” and now new date for Restart is Monday July 20

  1. Grimsley Football
    Paperwork collection will still take place on Monday July 6th at the field house! 9th graders should drop off paperwork between 8-8:45am, 10th graders between 9-9:45am, 11th graders between 10-10:45am, 12th graders between 11-11:45am!

  2. HP CentralAthletics

    Bison Nation!! The start of optional Summer workouts has been delayed until Monday, July 20th. No workouts will occur until this time. Please e-mail Coach Cook is you have questions.

  3. Southwest Cowboys

    Cowboy Cowboy hat face Athletes! Our start of optional workouts has been postponed until July 20th by GCS! Hang in there and we look forward to all getting back together! Stay safe and Happy 4th! Questions email Coach Christman

  4. Rockingham County Schools

    Athletics Update: July 2,l
    After consulting with the RC Health Department and due to concerns over social distancing and the rise of youth cases with the symptoms of COVID- RCS is postponing in person summer workouts until further notice. Safety is a top priority.

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