The Best Way to approach the 2020 NFL, College and High School Football Seasons:Play HOME GAMES ONLY!!!

If we can figure out the best way to put this approach to good use, this might be the best way to conduct the NFL, College and High School Football seasons…..


It is going to take a while to get all of the details worked out, but if we can, then having HOME Games Only, might be the safest way, and the only way to approach and attack the 2020 football seasons…

We can have football this season, but we need to have HOME Games Only….

Can we make this happen???

We are working on it, and if you have any ideas or suggestions, on how we can pull this off, let us know…We are in the lab right now, and working hard on this project….

10 thoughts on “The Best Way to approach the 2020 NFL, College and High School Football Seasons:Play HOME GAMES ONLY!!!”

  1. Andy this is a great idea. We gotta look at all angles of this and look for the good. As a plus size person I am looking forward to extra room at college games. I usually have trouble fitting in those tight seat numbers but not this year!

  2. Marshall Brown

    I’ll definitely be looking forward to the Jets/Giants game! Also the Nuggets/Avalanche game should be interesting…

  3. How can we only play home games? Is that’s the case then who would the home team play against? It would be an AWAY Game for the opposing team.

  4. Is it possible I’m missing something? How do you only play home games? Play against yourself? Also, is there a stat anywhere that explains how many young athletes below the age of 22 have succumbed to COVID-19? It is a terrible virus and even one life lost at any age is too many but we should also consider risk as well. Be safe….be smart….and play on.

  5. Road games only in 2020 and some say NO Games at all…

    Sure gets us all thinking with all of the ideas, suggestions and recommendations that we are seeing and hearing…

    It sounds a bit wide-open, but I have seen the suggestion of, “Go ahead and play all of the games as they are scheduled and let the chips fall where they may, in the Fall”…That direction would tell us to get back and out there and play the games, and what is going to happen, will happen no matter what…

    Do we err on the side of safety, or do we just go ahead and “Get Back About Our Business”???

  6. Respectfully, you do realize that where there’s a home team, there must be an away team….


  7. Yes, we do realize that there must be a home team and an away team, but we are thinking outside of the box, or the straight jacket, and trying to find a way to make all games, HOME GAMES!!!

    We have not found the answer yet, but we are looking and if can come up with a solution, then maybe we can at least have some high school football games and some ACC football games this Fall…

    Home games for all, and that might mean we can have only one week of the season, but let’s make it a good one…

    Most fans would say they want SOME high school football and some ACC Football, and they could do without the pros, and the secondary colleges…

    ACC Football and high school football only will be fine for many football fans…

    As the lady says on the Colfax Furniture ads on TV, “Bring It HOME”……

    This headline and main topic has created a very good discussion this weekend, and I hope it continues…

    Let’s hear from more of you, and the Washington Redskins are supposed to dropping their name(Redskins) on Monday….

  8. Came up with this idea this morning while out on The Morning Run…

    We should look at a way to still play, and that would be with Pod Play High School Football…

    We have three pods…

    Pod A at Grimsley High School(Jamieson Stadium) with these five schools…
    Grimsley, Page, Northwest Guilford, Northern Guilford and Western Guilford…

    Pod B at Dudley High School(Tarpley Stadium) with these five schools…
    Dudley, Smith, Northeast Guilford, Eastern Guilford, and Southeast Guilford…

    Pod C at Simeon Stadium in High Point, with these five schools…High Point Central, High Point Andrews, Southwest Guilford, Ragsdale and Southern Guilford…

    You play the high school football games at the three largest stadiums in Guilford County…Plenty of room for Social Distancing…Cap the crowds at 500-600 fans per game…

    Start high school football practice the day the kids hope to go back to school(August 17) and begin the games around September 15/the middle of September…

    Play a six-game season…You can play the games on Thursdays and Fridays….Two games a week at each pod, and if you have to play every other week, that will give the teams times to be sure they are healthy before their next games…

    Start the games September 15 and play just a six-game season and if have to play the teams in your pod only, so be it, but with the big stadiums, and spreading out the crowds, we should have most of the safety procedures covered….

    Looks like an idea with promise, but it will need more work, but it shows were are working on a PLAN…

    Look over the pods, and see what you think, and we will try and get the other details worked out…

    This plan is more than I have seen from elsewhere…State association, Governor, County, ETC….

    Any thoughts on this plan, and if want to call yourself the HOME team each week, call yourself the HOME team, at your pod location…

    Pod Play High School Football beginning September 15???

  9. Andy unfortunately no one else on the board seems to have our sense of humor or are just not visionaries like you and I are. I still love your all home game idea as long as the home team is always the best team in the state…Grimsley.

  10. Visionaries, I like that call, and I feel like that call fits…

    Excellent call on the part of Gfan…

    Yes, visionaries, that is what we have here….

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