Looking at Possible Pod Play Plan for Guilford County High School Football Teams in 2020, and we have to look at No JV Football and No Middle School Football games

Here is the possible Pod Play High School Football Plan for 2020, and on paper, it looks like a plausible plan to work with, during this 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

We should look at a way to still play, and that would be with a Pod Play Plan for High School Football…
(We will need to put a hold on Middle School Football and JV football for this season….The JV’s could still practice, and the best thing for them to do, would be play a Fifth Quarter Game, before the Varsity Football games on Thursday and Friday nights.)

Guilford County Pod Play Plan for high school football in 2020:
(This looks to be the best plan for high school football in 2020, that we have seen so far.)

Now here is a look at the plan…We have three pods…

Pod A at Grimsley High School(Jamieson Stadium) with these five schools…
Grimsley, Page, Northwest Guilford, Northern Guilford and Western Guilford…

Pod B at Dudley High School(Tarpley Stadium) with these five schools…
Dudley, Smith, Northeast Guilford, Eastern Guilford, and Southeast Guilford…

Pod C at Simeon Stadium in High Point, with these five schools…High Point Central, High Point Andrews, Southwest Guilford, Ragsdale and Southern Guilford…

You play the high school football games at the three largest stadiums in Guilford County…Plenty of room for Social Distancing…Cap the crowds at 500-600 fans per game
(Make sure you have STRONG social distancing measures, spread those fans out.)

Start high school football practice the day the kids hope to go back to school(August 17) and begin the games around September 15/the middle of September…

Play a six-game season…You can play the games on Thursdays and Fridays….Two games a week at each pod, and if you have to play every other week, that will give the teams time to be sure they are healthy before their next games…

Start the games September 15 and play just a six-game season and if you have to play the teams in your pod only, so be it, but with the big stadiums, and spreading out the crowds, we should have most of the safety procedures covered….

Looks like an idea with promise, but it will need more work, but it shows were are working on a PLAN…

Look over the pods, and see what you think, and we will try and get the other details worked out…

This plan is more than I have seen from elsewhere…State association, Governor, County, ETC….

Any thoughts on this plan, and if want to call yourself the HOME team each week, call yourself the HOME team, at your pod location…

Pod Play High School Football beginning September 15???

**********No Conference Champions, No State Champions, just Pod Play high school football, and with this plan, at least we have found a way to get high school football games in for 2020, and we have saved high school football for another season of action…….**********
(For practicality purposes, I guess we could go ahead and determine our Pod Champions for the A, B, and C pods…This is not a form of realignment, this is just a One-Year high school football plan.)**********



12 thoughts on “Looking at Possible Pod Play Plan for Guilford County High School Football Teams in 2020, and we have to look at No JV Football and No Middle School Football games”

  1. The cat must have a few folks tongues, or you are just amazed and shocked that I came up with such a good idea…

    I will have more on this plan, just as soon as Governor Cooper has finished speaking tomorrow/Tuesday at 3pm…

  2. In theory, you play each team in your pod once for four games, and then play two other teams in your pod twice, for the Six-game total for the season….

    I think the fans could stand Grimsley and Page meeting twice in the same season, Dudley vs. Smith twice would be good, HP Andrews vs. HP Central twice would fit the bill, Northwest vs. Northern twice would be great, Dudley vs. Southeast twice would get the fans hopping, Northwest-Western, Ragsdale-SWG, NEG vs. Eastern, SEG-EG…

    I think running all of those above games twice would be something the coaches and players would like for at least one year/season….All of those are some good matchups…..

    And a very good question on your part Coach Goss…

    If there is any interest at all on the part of the county, or the state, I think we could make this plan, or some form of this plan work….

    This year/season only, keep it in the pod, and try and get at least six high school football games in this season….

  3. I respect the brainstorming but again, what is the point of the pods where you only play at 1 location? It serves zero purpose
    to play at a central location if all the kids are going back home to their respective Homes to continue their respective routines, etc. obviously you aren’t going to put high school kids in a bubble for the sake of high school football so this really doesn’t make sense at all.

  4. With the central location, such as High Point Central, Grimsley and Dudley, you have the three largest stadiums available in the county, and this will allow for the social distancing that you need…

    If you can get the schedule set up with just six games on the season, and this allows you to play every other week, then the kids/football players will have time to recover and address any illnesses….

    Play a week, then a Bye week, and then play again…

    This gives us a very sound model for a safe season…

    Regionally, as far as the Pods go, the layout is almost perfect, when you look at the county’s geographic territories….

    Getting and hearing some good response on this plan, and we may end up having to take a VOTE….

  5. With the five teams we have in each Pod, it sort of reminds you of a 7 on 7 grouping…

    I still think the pods are divided up about as good as you can get them, when you are trying pair rivals, and teams that are close together, as far as the crow flies…

  6. Hypothetically a good plan, but we all know that the end all be all is NCSAA decision. Good and fun conversation piece to have without summer workouts, 7 on 7 and preseason banter.

    My question is we all know that football is a vital financial piece to all athletics so if you are only going to play at these locations and only have 5-600 people where is the gate going?

    This certainly would allow football to be played especially for those Seniors that are looking to play at the next level. I feel for all of the players in the county especially those Seniors who have missed out on the recruiting side of it, with not having visits, camps and Spring ball.

    I hope there is some sort of season for football and all other sports, but we will just wait and see.

  7. Yes, I don’t think the gate should just go to the host schools, Grimsley, Dudley and High Point Central…

    Split the gate with the two schools that are on the field each night….

    Say Thursday night at Grimsley you have Northern Guilford vs. Northwest Guilford…Split the gate among NG and NWG…

    Then Friday night at Grimsley, you have Grimsley vs. Page, and split the gate….

    Thursday at Dudley you have Northeast vs. Eastern Guilford split the gate…Friday at Dudley, Dudley vs. Smith, split the gate…

    Thusday at High Point Central, go with say Southwest Guilford vs. Ragsdale, split the gate, then on Friday night you have, HP Central vs. HP Andrews, and the two schools split the gate…

    That looks to be the fairest way to do this, with this being a new undertaking…

    There may be some other ideas, but this is good for starters….

    Not everybody is going to be happy/pleased, but this does give the kids a chance to get back on the field, and play some FOOTBALL……

    Doing all of this within our own bubble…

  8. Good effort but you are mixing 3a and 4A. Why ragsdale with 3A group? Why northern with the 4a group?
    -Forsyth Davidson Alamance gonna be what about us?
    hey deny it or not some folks see a pandemic out there. What happens when the first kid test positive? There goes your pod idea. We gonna have to shut down the whole thing. Can the districts afford to test every kid every day or twice a day? My answer is NO so therefore no football is happening. Odd thing is you can go to Matthews NC and attend a camp or play 7 on 7 but schools can’t do workouts? Ok that makes sense. We all over the map and my advice is we ALL Need to slow our roll and get on the same page
    Btw concessions is the big earner in any stadium(overpriced candy and hot dogs) not gate money Total money needs to be split among all schools.
    Next year it is, 2020 is toast people move on not gonna happen.

  9. In the HP Central pod you have Ragsdale and High Point Central that are both 4-A’s, Southwest Guilford and Southern Guilford are both 3-A’s, and HP Andrews is a 2-A…

    We are trying to keep the schools that are close together(territorialy) playing each other, and that will make all of the details, including COVID-19 guidelines much easier to keep a handle on…
    (Southern Guilford is very close to the High Point city limits, you wouldn’t believe until you see the Kivett Drive boundaries.)

    There would be no State Championships, so the 2-A, 3-A, and 4-A labels would not be a factor…We are just trying to get these schools games, if a plan like this one is necessary…

    We need options, and with this Plan, we have one for Guilford County High School Football….

    As far as concessions go, I would stick with a split of funds, based on the two teams that are playing each particular game…Split any concession monies, per each game that is played…

  10. A bit of an interesting note here….

    If there is a college football season, the University of Michigan will not have season tickets. “Home games will be sold on an individual game basis, with sales limited to current season ticket holders and students. There will be NO ticket sales to the general public.”

  11. As i said ANdy i like the thought process but covid has no boundaries nor does it respect travel distance. This season is not gonna happen. Only folks who can afford and have the resources to make a season happen are the pros. Maybe power 5 conferences can afford to do conference only play. Other than that football is toast this year. WHat district can afford daily testing? What school district can pay multiple bodies to constantly wipe balls and equipment down all day long? or put on a football game with no fans paying? ANSWER IS NONE

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