After 25 years as the Guilford College Sports Information Director, Dave Walters cleaned out his locker/desk today and turned in his keys, and proceeded to drive away from the Guilford College Quakers’ campus, and from the Quakers’ athletic complex…CLICK HERE for our July 10 article on Searching for Dave Walters, former Guilford College SID…
Dave Walters told me today he did not want to leave, but it was part of the process, and his time at the school on West Friendly Avenue and New Garden Road had come to end…
Dave said he loves Greensboro and he does not want to leave this town, but he has to do, what he has to do….WORK….
Walters is looking for SID work in our area, but no doors have opened for him since his release from Guilford, back in late May…..
We were right there with him this afternoon, as he was handing the Guilford College security officer the keys to his office/locker, and then it would be time for Dave Walters to drive away from Guilford….
Guilford College is all that Dave Walters has known for the past 25 years…. just happened to run into Dave today, and our stop to speak with Dave was not a scheduled meeting, but it was for sure, time well spent….A chance to talk to part of the Guilford College sports history….At least he recorded that history…
Dave Walters…..
I am up at Guilford, pretty much 7 days a week and 365 days per year, so I will usually get to know the people who run the Guilford sports programs and have gotten to know most all of them over the years, and Dave Walters was one of the best…
Going to miss ole Dave Walters, and told him today that I would see him at the HAECO Invitational Basketball Tournament in December, but Dave said probably not…Dave worked the HAECO press row for many years, but he did all of that media writing and media release work, by way of using Guilford College-owned equipment, and Dave Walters is Guilford College no more, and that is not a good thing….
But, here’s hoping that Dave can land a job in the Sports Information field, with one of our other local colleges or universities….
Good Luck Dave Walters, and thanks again for the job you did at Guilford College over the past 25 years…..