Last check, Temple trailed Houston, 57-37, today on CBS/WFMY TV 2…J.P. Moorman, from the Greensboro Day School, doing his best to help his Temple Owls battle the Houston Cougars, as J.P. had 5 points and 3 rebounds, as the game winds on, in Philadelphia…
Moorman looking sharp, and the CBS commentators, Brad Nessler/Clark Kellogg, have had good things to say about J.P. Moorman, from Greensboro, N.C….
J.P Moorman, looking much like he did back in his days on Lawndale Drive, in the Greensboro Day School’s Dillard Athletic Center, playing for head coach Freddy Johnson and GDS assistant coach Jeff Smith…
Always good to see the locals making it big, and today, J.P. Moorman(GDS) on the big stage, on CBS TV/WFMY TV 2…..