Coach Clayton Nance will be celebrating his 70th birthday this coming Saturday January 28…Coach Nance is currently working in the Athletic Department at Grimsley High School, working alongside and assisting Grimsley Athletic Director Ethan Albright…
Coach Nance has been working within the Guilford County Schools System, either teaching or coaching, for around 45 years, and he spent over 30 years working for the Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department…
Coach Nance began his teaching and coaching career at Grimsley High School, working as an assistant football coach for Coach Bob Jamieson, back in the early 1970’s….Many of us have remembered Coach Nance, from when he was working with Coach Marion Kirby, at Page High School for many years, but as we learned today, Coach Nance actually got his start at Grimsley High School, and after all of those years on Alma Pinnix Drive, at the Page High School campus, Coach Nance finally was able to return to where it all started for him, Grimsley High School…
It got started for him when he was playing football, basketball, and baseball at Northeast Guilford High School, back in the 1960’s…Coach Clayton Nance played baseball on a State Championship team at Northeast Guilford for a man/coach, who made a lasting impression on his life and career, Coach Bob Boles…Coach Boles was the man who helped Coach Nance see the way to help kids become better individuals and successful adults…
Coach Boles was able to put Coach Nance on the road to where he is today…Coach Bob Boles paved the road that led Coach Clayton Nance to Grimsley High School, over to Page High School, and then back to Grimsley High School, where Coach Nance is still on that road to success, with his leadership and direction that he provides to young people, and to those adults that are working around him…
Coach Nance talks to us about his “Sporting Life”, and Clayton Nance may be turning 70 years old this Saturday, but he is still running and working like he is 30 years old…This man is staying busy, and he making Grimsley High School, a better place to be around… Those around him have grown to love and appreciate Coach Clayton Nance…He is still doing a lot of good for the Grimsley Whirlies and for the Guilford County Schools System….
Coach Nance talks with us about his early days at Grimsley, the move over to Page High School, and then his transition back to Grimsley High School…He also details his days at Northeast Guilford High School for us, and what those days were like back then…
Coach Clayton Nance even gives us his thoughts on former players at Page HS he coached, including Todd Ellis, Haywood Jeffries, Tripp Welborne, John Newman, and Michael Brooks…He tells what he saw in Travis Shaw, Alonza Barnett II, and Jeiel Melton, when they played at Grimsley, for the Whirlies State Championship football team…Coach Nance even tells us some things about what it was like coaching and teaching Ethan Albright, in Summer Sports Camps…
The “Sporting Life” of Coach Clayton Nance is ready for you, when you CLICK ON BELOW…A good listen, and a good man that has helped a lot of people over the years…Happy Birthday Coach Clayton Nance, 70 years old, with many good memories, and many more good memories, on the way….
CLICK BELOW FOR THE VIDEO with Coach Clayton Nance….Grimsley HS, Page HS, and now back at Grimsley HS…..
Happy Birthday Coach! To God be the Glory for all that He has allowed you to accomplish and the many young lives you have touched. I wish you good health, sound mind, peace, joy and many more birthdays.
Happy birthday sir! I guess the Lincoln years don’t count. ?
We didn’t ask Coach Nance about his time at Lincoln, but maybe we should have…Just put that on us, and we will take care of that in a future conversation…And as you were saying, let’s all take the time to wish Coach Clayton Nance, a Happy Birthday…
And for the current scoop on Lincoln Middle School/The Academy at Lincoln, we were over there on Monday, and we talked to Coach Hank Bullard about the Lincoln Hornets, and you can catch that Lincoln interview and update, when you Click On this link…..
Thanks for your time and service Coach Clayton Nance.
Happy Birthday Coach Nance! Thank you for your wisdom and guidance through the years! You are a great leader and teacher of life for young people. Happy Birthday again.
~Coach McNeil
Hoping to get some Birthday Wishes and comments for Coach Nance…Thanks for those that have come in already, and we plan to send this post on to his family for his birthday, on Saturday….
Thank-You Coach Nance for all you have done over the years in the Greensboro Community.
Good Job Coach Nance.