Ric Flair now 74 years old, and Ricky Steamboat just turned 70….Both men just had their birthdays pop up again last week….
Richard Morgan Fliehr, known to most of us as, Ric Flair…Also called “The Nature Boy”, and “The Dirtiest Player in the Game”, and he was an esteemed member of “The Four Horsemen”…
Ric Flair:Born February 25, 1949 (age 74)
Richard Henry Blood, known to most of us as, Ricky Steamboat…Also called Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, and known to have the ‘Hawaiian Punch’…
Ricky Steamboat:Born February 28, 1953 (age 70)
**********Interesting note on something that both Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat have in common…They have both been married five times over the years…Info from Wikipedia…Five wives for both Flair and Steamboat….**********