If you heard it on the AM Radio, you might not be hearing it again on the AM radio…From what we saw on the national news tonight/Wednesday, auto makers at Ford, Dodge, Toyota, Honda, VW, BMW, and other major outlets are looking to eliminate AM Radios from their newly made vehicles, beginning with the 2024 models…This will be in both their electric and gas-powered cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs…
The AM Radio, is becoming a dying breed, a thing of the past…
AM Radio appears to be on its way out….Going, Going, Going, and soon to be LONG GONE….The old WSJS, the old WPET, the old WKEW, the old WBIG, the old WEAL, the old WCOG, all of those frequencies, and the signals that they project, will be GONE…
You will still be able to listen to those stations in the older cars, but in the new ones, NADA…
Things from our past are moving on, and leaving us in a hurry…You would think that they would give it a couple of years to take root, but this new law/deal is set to go into effect in 2024…With the new vehicles rolling off of the assembly line in 2024, AM Radio no more….
In times past around the Gate City, you had the old Bob Poole Show on WBIG, with Poole and his sidekick Willie…WCOG had names like Dusty Dunn, Bob Dayton, Sam “The Freight Train” Scott, Jimmy Fulmer, Charlie Russell, Bob Shannon and others….WGBG, the forerunner to WKEW, had “Truckin’ Tom Miller, Rick Dees worked there briefly, and Slim Martin also called WGBG home for a while…Martin moved over to WPET, and PET had “Tiger T” Tom Armshaw, Slim Martin, Don Davis, Dave Compton, and others…WEAL had Alfred G. Richards, Gary “Boomer” VonCannon and others…
At 1400 WKEW, I was on the air there, with names like Dusty Dunn, Ken Karnes, Dan Quinn, Ken Allen, Greg Allen, Buddy Bray, Bob Roach, “Python” Wilson Thomas, Gary “Boomer” Von Cannon, Brad Krantz, Jimmy Fulmer, Tom Jorgenson, Matt Pencola, the outstanding newsman Jim Krasula, Alfred G. Richards, John Troxler and others…
Lots of names on the AM Radio around here over the years, and for the most part, it looks like the curtain is coming down on the AM Radio, in all future cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs….
AM Radio, had a very strong influence back in its day….I remember one night on my sports call-in radio show that a listener did not agree with something I was throwing out there, and he said he was coming to the radio station, and was coming to kick my tail, and he wanted to kill me…And this character showed up at the back door of the radio station, ready to do just that…We used to call it the “Back Door Challenge”, show up at the back door, and let’s see what you got…
Most times nobody paid that much attention to “Back Door Challenge”, but this time, some nutt did…AM Radio could get you on the edge of your seat, and it could get your blood boiling with some good talk radio topics floating around..It was sort of wild to hear somebody beating on the back door of the radio station, trying to tear that door down and get in there, and get ahold of me, the radio host…
That’s what made AM Radio so good, and it made it fun to listen to…Now it seems those days are leaving us…Maybe the old AM signal has worn out its welcome, and has stayed around too long…
We will see what the future holds…AM Radio used to work, and it might work again, but it won’t be working on those new car radios, beginning with the vehicles that come rolling out, in 2024….
There was a time when you could hear it on the AM Radio….