**********Wednesday Update:
Mendenhall Middle boys 44, Western Guilford 14
Mendenhall girls over Western Guilford and our best bet say Peyton Wood was getting it done for the Mendenhall Mustang girls…..
Northern Guilford girls 38, Kiser 29
Northern Guilford boys 50, Kiser 34
Northwest Guilford Middle boys – 41, Jamestown Middle – 35….**********
Scores from the Monday Games:
Northwest Guilford Middle boys 45, Eastern Guilford Middle 41
Northwest Guilford girls win over EG, by 25 points-plus….
Lincoln boys 37, Swann 30
Lincoln girls over Swann by 4 points…
Mendenhall boys 45, Jackson 41
Mendenhall girls 36, Jackson 18
Northern Guilford boys 42, Jamestown Middle School 28
JMS 3-1 (1-1) in conference.
**********Middle Middle School Basketball Schedules for this week**********
Kernodle at Allen Monday with girls at 4:45 and boys at 6pm
Kernodle at Hairston on Wednesday 4:45 and 6pm
Ferndale at Welborn on Monday with girls at 4:45/boys at 6pm
Ferndale at Southern Guilford Wednesday with girls at 4:45 and boys at 6:pm
Welborn at Swann on Wednesday with girls at 4:45/boys at 6pm
**********Almost all games until January 25, girls at 4:45/boys game at 6pm*********
Mendenhall at Jackson on Monday
Allen at Jackson on Wednesday
Eastern Guilford at Northwest Guilford on Monday
Jamestown at Northern Guilford on Monday
Jamestown at Northwest Guilford on Wednesday
Kiser at Southeast Guilford
Southwest Guilford at Southeast Guilford on Thursday
Western Guilford at Northeast Guilford on Monday
Western Guilford at Mendenhall on Wednesday
Swann at Lincoln on Monday…Lincoln with BYE on Wednesday….
What are the scores from the games today?
They will be posted later tonight at they come into us…
Mendenhall boys 45-41 over Jackson
Mendenhall girls 36-18 over Jackson
One of our favorite players from the past few Middle School Seasons has left us and she is now playing for Wesleyan Christian Academy…Cooper Cox was with Northwest Guilford, but now with WCA…We will miss her…Have seen her since she was probably in the 3rd or 4th grade…Wish her the best at her new school….
Mendenhall boy 44-14 over Western guilford middle
Mendenhall girls over Western girls
Northern Middle Girls — 38
Kiser Girls — 29
Northern Middle Boys — 50
Kiser Boys — 34